Compiling ioquake3 with g++

Stefan Wichmann stefanw at
Wed May 16 09:07:30 EDT 2007

Hi everybody,

as part of my diploma thesis I am porting Quake to a framework for
distributed real-time applications, that we have developed at my
university. This platform is written in C++ and since i have to map the
existing quake-entities onto classes managed by the framework, I have to
compile ioquake with some C++-compiler.

After some initial analysis my approach is to replace all relevant
structs (entityState_t etc.) with classes containing only public
attributes (This way the code using these structs doesn't need to be

The challenge I am facing now, is to compile the source with a
C++-Compiler. Since Linux is my main development environment this would
be the g++.

It seems, that this compiler is a little stricter than the gcc and
doesn't allow implicit casts anymore (as proposed by the ANSI C++
Standard). Unfortunately these are spread all over the source.

So my questions would be:

Has anybody managed to compile ioquake with the g++?

Do I have to fix every single cast by hand or is someone aware of
tools supporting this conversion?

Will the replacement of structs with classes break the whole qvm-stuff?

I've read about some C++-Port on, but it hasn't produced
any public code yet. Also I'm not planing to convert everything but the
essential parts to C++.

Thanks very much in advance!


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