[quake3] non-cheatable game

Zachary Slater zakk at timedoctor.org
Tue May 15 22:56:58 EDT 2007

Diego de Estrada wrote:
> Encrypting the stream won't make any difference, trust me. The
> security of the protocol must not come from obfuscation, but from the
> strength of the design, specially in an open source project like this.

Once again let me point out that the focus of ioquake3 is not preventing 
cheaters, to do so would be a waste of time so we are not going to 
pursue it at all. We will close security holes where they exist, but not 
go out of our way to prevent David Jackson from wallhacking on his 
mommies e-machine.
- Zachary J. Slater
zakk at timedoctor.org
zacharyslater at gmail.com

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