[quake3] Re: internationally accepted toggleconsole bind

Daniel Lord daniel at brightfire.com
Tue Feb 6 07:28:44 EST 2007

"The console is more a developer
thing anyways, you're doing something wrong if your players have to
regularly use it. :)"

Not so at all. It has many uses not restricted to developers. For
instance here are a few:
1. I regularly use rcon to administer my ioquake server on a remote
Linux system: kick, add, vstr dn to change maps or add a new one whil
'in game'.
2. often in the past, I've seen people bind to the 'hook' starting a
game with that mod.
3. I hae severa configuration scripts for FOV zooming, fast weapon
switch, team orders, and chat/taunt I use sometimes. Testing them is
easy if I can load them from the console.
4. one can dump all ones variables whcih is very helpfl in tweaking
the params for optimal graphics/sound/controls/etc


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