OpenAL doesn't work in the latest build of Quake 3

Richard Bromley rbromley256 at
Thu Nov 24 19:22:40 EST 2005

OpenAL doesn't work for me in the latest build of Quake 3 (1.33 alpha
364). SDL sound still works as normal. Here's the relevent console

------ Initializing Sound ------
Failed to open OpenAL device.
Initializing SDL audio driver...
SDL audio driver is "dsp".
  Format:   AUDIO_S16LSB
  Freq:     22050
  Samples:  512
  Channels: 2
Starting SDL audio callback...
SDL audio initialized.
----- Sound Info -----
    1 stereo
16384 samples
   16 samplebits
    1 submission_chunk
22050 speed
0x8b065c0 dma buffer
No background file.
Sound intialization successful.

I have a number of other games that work with OpenAL, both games that
have their own and ones that don't. Just in case it matters,
here's my .openalrc:

# Contains user settings for OpenAL
# Goes in ~/.openalrc

# Use ALSA (also valid: sdl, native)
(define devices '(alsa))

# Four speaker surround with ALSA
(define speaker-num 4)
(define alsa-out-device "surround40:0,0")

Is this solely my problem or a bug that can be fixed? Thanks for your reply.

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