[q2x] DORIS

Nick Trout nick at rockstarvancouver.com
Thu Apr 8 20:43:24 EDT 2004

> Bloody Hell Nick, DORIS is exactly what I've been looking for!  Been
> farting around with bindings and IUP (which is just a travesty) and
> wxLua and all that and DORIS was what I wanted all along.
> Any plans to update to 5.0.2?

Ha! That's really funny, I was going to tag Doris on the end of the list
of Windows tools, but I thought you were looking for one with native
widgets. Mmmm, I too saw the build system for IUP and steered away :)

Yep, I can upgrade it.

BTW, Doris is not an acronym, it's the name of my sister's ex-hamster.

Also BTW, sorry I haven't done an awful lot of work on q2x lately. I
could begin checking in what I have done. I've tried to do it
incrementally, and until the whole system is converted I've #if'd out
old features (so I can swap back and forth if TSHTF). I got upto monster
AI (only working on flyers, but should then have framework for all
monsters and its grunt work), ie. Frames for animation and the logic.
It's just a question of going through working out what to expose and
trying to do it nicely (which will more than likely need a second pass
after all is done). -- Weather has been so nice here and I was at GDC


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