Small update

Brian Hook hook_l at
Sun Nov 2 12:06:19 EST 2003

After Nick guilted me into looking at the codebase again, I checked in 
some minor fixes for a few crash bugs.

Adding a client game facility is going to be a pretty major 
architectural restructuring, which I don't want to take lightly.  I 
really need to sit down and document the client flow.

In Quake 2 there was basically a monolithic "client", which did both 
generic client stuff (interfacing to graphics, sound, network, etc.) 
and game specific stuff (client side prediction and effects).  In Q3 
this got split into two separate areas.

I'd LIKE to split this up as well, since it makes mod-making even 
easier since you can add client side mod-specific effects.

I've got that like 25% migrated, but it's not even in a separate DLL 
at this point and there's still a shit load of cross-contamination, 
but fixing it any further somewhat commits to some architectural 
decisions that I'm not quite comfortable making at this time.

In the meantime, everything should mostly work.


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