ddrmat patches

Ed Anderson nilbus at nilbus.com
Wed Jun 23 13:18:29 EDT 2004

The kernel detection used in ddrmat.c broke in the 2.6.7 kernel, so I 
patched the files. It should work more reliably now. The patched ddrmat.c 
and Makefile are attached.

-------------- next part --------------
--- ../ddrmat-0.11/Makefile	2004-05-25 13:55:40.000000000 -0400
+++ Makefile	2004-06-23 13:12:13.668894024 -0400
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 obj-m := ddrmat.o
 PWD:= $(shell pwd)
 KERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER ?= $(shell uname -r)
-KERNEL_SOURCE ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
 MODULE_PATH ?= $(DESTDIR)/lib/modules/$(KERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER)/kernel/drivers/char/joystick
 ifeq "$(shell echo $(KERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER)|cut -b 1-3)" "2.6"
-------------- next part --------------
--- ../ddrmat-0.11/ddrmat.c	2004-05-25 13:55:40.000000000 -0400
+++ ddrmat.c	2004-06-23 13:04:28.513608376 -0400
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
                 gc->dev[i].name = gc_names[config[i + 1]];
-#ifndef init_input_dev
+#ifdef EVIOCGREP //This define disappeared from input.h as of 2.6.
 //2.4 kernel
 		gc->dev[i].idbus = BUS_PARPORT;
                 gc->dev[i].idvendor = 0x0001;

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