New release, 0.8.3 -- beware!

Joe Wreschnig piman at
Sun Jan 4 12:02:16 EST 2004

This release hasn't gotten a lot of testing, due to everyone being busy
with finals and then the holidays. So, check it out at your own risk
(unless you're using Debian, in which case, you'll get to check it out
when I upload the package in a few hours. :)

The biggest change here is *a total rewrite of all the interfaces*. I
strongly suggest deleting ~/.pydance/input.cfg or the equivalent before
using it.

At this point, I'm interested in squashing any and all bugs you guys can
find. Feel free to report them against the Debian BTS, to me directly
(piman at, or to either mailing list. IRC is less likely to get
a fix, since I might miss the report. There are still a few features I
want to add before 1.0 (course records, better documentation, EZ2
support), but none of those are particularly big changes. Mostly, I want
releases to be fixing bugs, not adding them, from this point on.

Last release was the last we'll support Python 2.2 for! This release
doesn't depend on Python 2.3 as far as I know, but near-future ones

We've also added backgrounds for Forkbomb and 6.January.

0.8.3 - Also it should be called Streetball.
!!! Completely new user interface for almost all screens. Please pay
  attention to the help messages displayed onscreen, because many of the
  controls have changed.
  + CD title and advanced BPM display support.
+ 3 panel mode (automatically generated from 6 panel beginner steps in
  .dwi, or available directly in .dance).
+ Hold arrows now have a grace period (by default 1/4 second, but it's
  affected by the judge type and difficulty).
+ Best grades for songs are now stored (in ~/.pydance/records).
+ Arrow animations have been tweaked to make songs with lots of 24th notes
  (like bag) easier to read.
+ Rewrite of findbpm by Paul Crowley to do least-squares estimation.
+ Non-EMSUSB2 adapters work again.
Joe Wreschnig <piman at>
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