New song selector patch

Joe Wreschnig piman at
Tue May 6 15:03:48 EDT 2003

My first draft of the new song selector is attached. Well, actually,
it's in CVS, and this patch affects and so that
they actually use the new selector. Apply it to fresh (2PM CDT today at
least) CVS. Mostly, it just removes old stuff.

Notable improvements:
 - SS looks better.
 - Music previews sound better (fading, less opening/closing the mixer)
and turning previews off works.
 - No more prerendering or long load times (273 songs in 8-12 seconds on
a P3-500).
 - Nonstop playlist is on-screen.

Things that need work:
 - Everything labeled FIXME in the code. None of theese are regressions.
 - Scrolling through the selector should probably animate.
 - Better sound effects.
 - Better graphics.
 - In-game help, this introduces a lot of new keybindings. After I do
the minor refactorings labeled FIXME I'll probably do this.

Things that can be done now:
 - The SongItem abstracted class has replaced fastSong, so at some point
we should eye towards it replacing Song as well. Before I do this I've
got a class and file syntax specification I've been working on. If
anyone has ideas in this direction (particularly about what interfaces
should be exposed) let me know.
 - has one well-defined entry point and two well-defined
exit points. This means if someone hates the 5th mix selector (I have no
idea who would) they can write their own and change it easily.

Things to consider:
 - Difficulties in the SongItemDisplay.menuitem image? Brendan suggested
vertical lines, which might work. However, I'm open for other ideas that
would look nice.
 - Cache the difficulty selection graph so we don't have to rerender it
each time? My worry here is the amount of graphics we already have open;
we're using a ton of memory for caching things.
Joe Wreschnig <piman at>
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