CVS updates: We're not cracked, the options screen, and couple mode

Joe Wreschnig piman at
Thu Jun 26 23:29:55 EDT 2003

Hey guys, another one of my random updates about pyDDR.

To start with, got cracked recently. Luckily, we've been
signing pyDDR releases, and I verified CVS against two local copies I
had, so I'm pretty confident in saying that pyDDR wasn't compromised,
and the released versions, definitely not.

Now, for the stuff you want to hear, features. The first one we've got
is a new options screen for player modifiers, similar to the one at the
arcade. When starting a song, hold down your start button (enter or
start on the first player pad) for about a second and a half. You'll get
an option screen to set all your game modifiers. These used to be set in
the main menu, but now it's more convenient, and you can set them
differently for different players. Escape from that screen will take you
back to the song selector; enter starts the song you had selected. It
works from Endless mode, too.

The second thing is couple mode. This is like versus mode, but the two
players have different steps, and need to use the same difficulty. It
was used in DDR 1st mix, and reappeared in 4th as "battle mode" with
some additional eyecandy. It's in the play game menu, and you need some
.DWIs, .dances, or (maybe) .SMs with COUPLE sections to try it out. Most
1st or 4th mix DWIs should have the steps.

Couple mode has temporarily broken any2dance so, uh, don't use it. That
might get fixed later, but... you have no idea how much of a pain in the
ass it's going to be.

Anyway, yeah. Share and enjoy, and let us know about any bugs you guys
run across.
Joe Wreschnig <piman at>
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