[prey] installing prey

ard ard at kwaak.net
Tue Dec 9 15:26:13 EST 2008

On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 08:34:19PM +0100, ard wrote:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib/+bug/66483/comments/35
> from some guy name ryan ;-).

Setting SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsp fixes it for me.
As an alternative I edited ~/.prey/base/:
ard at asus1:~/.prey$ grep openal base/preyconfig.cfg 
seta s_libOpenAL "/usr/lib/libopenal.so.1"

Then I started prey, and just switched the sound driver to
openal, and switched the openal audio device to
alsa-hardware-sb-live .
This gives me the same crackle free audio as dsp.
BTW: RESPECT! on the fly switching of audiodrivers, and not even
considering crashing or have "device is busy" things.

Ryan: as a side note:
Dsp does not crackle but it does occasionally have a hickup. The
crackle I hear with SDL_Mixer+alsa is actually the same I have
with mplayer. With mplayer I have a problem that when mplayer
cannot read the network drive fast enough, it will start with a
continuos crackle. Pausing and unpausing is the only way to fix
that. As far as I know I do not use SDL audio with mplayer.

The openal solution seems to have no hickups.
BTW: this system als does:
which takes about 10s/1m of cpu time.
(The result:

.signature not found

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