Postal 2 for MacOS X, beta 2...

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at
Sat Sep 18 22:17:56 EDT 2004

Okay, here's the next build.

There are about a million fixes in this build, including being bumped up 
to the Windows 1409 patch.

Please grab this:
     username: postal2mac
     password: p33p33Hz

625 megabytes. Sorry to do that to you, but I need to get the newer 
installer tested, plus make sure everything is sane with the 1409 
changes, etc.

If the file is not found, it means it's still uploading. It should be 
there in about four hours.

Bug reports go to ... Discussion goes to
this list. If you report a bug here, I'll probably point you to
bugzilla, so that I don't forget to fix the bug. Think of bugzilla as a
collective memory.  :)

My hope is that beta2 will have minor fixes, and then we'll go gold.


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