UT2004 OpenAL test (VoIP + Surround)

Robert Uyeyama uyeyama at hawaii.edu
Sat Sep 11 19:07:16 EDT 2004

To the Postal2 list:
Since things have been a little slow on the Postal side of late, here's 
a nice quick project for everyone.

Ryan was kind enough to let out an alpha EXPERIMENTAL build of the new 
openal.dylib for UT2004, the first one which works with VoIP and 
SurroundSound with Apple's OpenAL, so that it could be tested.  This 
file replaces your existing openal.dylib in your System folder of your 
UT2004 .app bundle (control-click UT2004 --> show package contents).

I have a download URL and feedback thread at Macologist.org forums.  If 
you have problems activating your registration at Macologist, please 
email me & I'll activate your account.  Feel free to post your 
crashlogs within our 'springloaded' quoting system:  [quote] XXXXXX 
[/quote] in your forum text.


Thank you


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