[physfs] Wishlist

Christoph Nelles evilazrael at evilazrael.de
Wed Jan 27 10:00:27 EST 2010

On Tue, 26 Jan 2010 17:52:11 -0500, Indy Sams <indy at driftsolutions.com>
> Hello,
> 	As for item 1), I had made a patch implementing PHYSFS_stat() which
> 	worked the same way as stat() does and gave the size, modification
> 	etc. I think I emailed it in a long time ago but never heard anything
> 	about it.

Can you please send it you me? I would like to seen how you did it. 

> 	#4 would hopefully be easy to implement too if there are any free
> 	libraries out there.

It's not so difficult. Despite the long specification (~100pages AFAIR)
it's not so complicated as most pages are structures and descriptions. And
you save another dependency.

Christoph Nelles

E-Mail    : evilazrael at evilazrael.de
Jabber    : eazrael at evilazrael.net      ICQ       : 78819723

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