[physfs] physfs tutorial

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Thu Jan 15 14:50:10 EST 2004

Ryan C. Gordon wrote:
> There was discussion about making Cygwin builds use '/' as a path
> seperator to make them "Unix-like", but I'm not sure I think that's
> right for gamers playing on Windows.

I agree completely for paths that are set by the end-user -- but
most of my paths are set to well-known bin-relative directories
and pak-files from within the app itself, where it's a bit silly
to write specific sets of PHYSFS_addToSearchPath() strings for this
set-up formatted for each supported platform's path foibles -- hence
the physfs_util_binrelative_add_to_searchpath business.

Since it IS implementable outside of PhysicsFS and the need for
the existing PHYSFS_addToSearchPath() would remain for user-sourced
paths, there's no particular reason to change how PhysicsFS works
for this -- but people might find physfs_util_binrelative_add_to_searchpath()
useful as a 'contrib'... dunno.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
"At this point the rocket becomes engorged with astronauts."

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