[openbox] How can I add an arbitrary String with an associated Script/Command in the Right Click Drop Down Menu List in OpenBox WM? Also, autostart applications every session?

Susmita/Rajib bkpsusmitaa at gmail.com
Sat May 20 00:48:52 EDT 2023

My dear illustrious Team Leaders and Senior members of openbox ML,

A simple query.

I have a working debian-menu reflecting the stored menu file in

I read the page http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Menus.

Searching the internet, I tired to add a menu in extraScripts.xml in
~/.config/openbox/. But failed to have it displayed upon right click
with $sudo update-menus.

-------------------Begin Lines----------------------
   <menu id="extras" label="ExtraScripts">
      <menu id="my-scripts-menu" label="My Scripts">
         <item label="My Script">
            <action name="Execute">
               # <command>~/my_script.sh</command>
-------------------Begin Lines----------------------

Right clicking on the desktop I find
/var/lib/menu-xdg/menus/debian-menu.menu being executed and the right
click drop down menu, sub-menu list appearing.

I want to add my personal scripts in this list.

I also want to autostart some applications upon every session.

How to achieve these objectives?

Best wishes,
Rajib B

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