[openbox] openbox & jgmenu

Jim Anderson jjanders at ptd.net
Mon Dec 12 12:19:54 EST 2022

Hi Russ,

Thanks for you input. It will help a lot!  Like you, I am not a fan of 
dynamically created menus.

So far, I have at least figured out how to add items and sub-menus to 
the main menu generated by jgmenu. I can do this be editing the 
.../jgmenu/prepend.csv file. I am still experimenting and if I can 
figure out how to generate a sub-menu for a sub-menu, I think I will be set.



On 12/12/22 12:09, Russell Belair wrote:
> Re: openbox & jgmenu
> Hi Jim,
> Sorry but I had to send you this message directly...the ones I sent to 
> the group keeps failing for some unknown reason!
> You are correct, jgmenu is not part of openbox, it is a replacement 
> used by some linux distros. Here is a link to an online tutorial that 
> might help you: https://jgmenu.github.io/jgmenututorial.7.html .
> I use it in my bspwm window manager setup. Basically, it generates a 
> menu from *.desktop files found in /usr/share/applications. You can 
> also create static entries using your own *.csv file.
> What I do is call the menu with a keybinding:
>     /usr/bin/jgmenu --simple --config-file=~/.config/jgmenu/jgmenurc 
> --csv-file=~/.config/jgmenu/bspwm-menu.csv
> The jgmenurc is the configuration file, which contains formatting for 
> the menu (colors, fonts, etc) and the *.csv file contains the static 
> entries in the menu.
> Personally, I don't like dynamic menus...they often contain a lot of 
> "junk programs" which are found in the /usr/share/applications folder, 
> which I don't find very useful, and only seem to pollute the menu with 
> unnecessary items. I always setup my menus, whether it is with 
> openbox's menu.xml or with 3-party programs like jgmenu, statically.
> With Regards,
> Russ
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