[openbox] set working directory when starting Openbox

Mathias Dufresne mathias.dufresne at gmail.com
Thu May 22 12:02:16 EDT 2014

I don't use xinit and I never used it but I expect your issue is in the
chain of processes running between your login and the apparition of openbox.

All I can say is if I create the 2 files as you described then run a
startx, I have the same behaviour than you: a full launch of openbox, which
set up a new environment for my user session which set up my default
directory to my homedir.
Once more, for me this is a normal behaviour: new session, new environment.

And what happen during that time, I have no idea. You can use this command
line to generate awfully huge logs:
strace exec openbox-session > /your/path/to/openbox.log 2>

the first ">" is to get standard logs (those sent to the console)
the second is to get stderr which is used by strace which should tell you
alsmot all what happens during the launch time.

And finally, if your goal is only to have your user thrown into /tmp after
bash is launched in interactive mode, modify your .bashrc.



2014-05-22 14:30 GMT+02:00 Crni Gorac <cgorac at gmail.com>:

> What you described is somewhat opposite to what happens on my machine.
>  I have Openbox 3.5.2, and xinit 1.3.3.  I have following snippet in
> my $HOME/.bash_login:
> #--------------------------
> cd /tmp
> case $(tty) in
> /dev/tty1)
>         xinit
>         ;;
> esac
> #--------------------------
> and my $HOME/.xinitrc is simply:
> #--------------------------
> exec openbox-session
> #--------------------------
> Now, when I login (on first tty), Openbox get started automatically,
> and despite working directory being set to /tmp before xinit run,
> Openbox is properly reading all files from $HOME/.config/openbox
> directory.  However, when I run an xterm from within Openbox, the
> working directory is set to $HOME (instead to /tmp).
> I recently switched to Openbox from E17, and the setup described went
> practically unchanged (except that instead of "exec openbox-sesssion"
> I had "exec enlightenment_start" in my $HOME/.xinitrc file).  However,
> when xterm run in E17, its working directory would be /tmp, as I would
> expect...
> Thanks.
> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Mathias Dufresne
> <mathias.dufresne at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Ok. I'm not an Openbox dev, nor even a dev at all, but for me this
> behaviour
> > is not part of the window manager, which ever it is. A window manager
> has to
> > provide window decoration, placement and so on, but no real working
> space,
> > only frames into which other applications would run and set up an
> > environment.
> >
> > This was my sysadmin point of view. And I tested it:
> >
> > Logging off from my X session, going into some console to:
> > - stop my X server as root
> > - connect with normal user into a console (arrived of course in my $HOME)
> > - cd /tmp with taht user/console
> > - launch stratx from that console, still in /tmp
> >
> > The result was openbox started without using my ~/.config/openbox files
> (no
> > tint2 for a taskbar and so on) and the xterm I ran were all started into
> > /tmp rather than my own home directory.
> > So when Openbox is starting or running it is not changing the current
> > directory to $HOME.
> >
> > Once back into my console I killed Openbox (ctrl + C...) and then my
> shell
> > was still positionned into /tmp too.
> > So Openbox do not change the directory in the terminal you use to launch
> > startx.
> >
> > I'm using a Gentoo (modified to use systemd rather sysvinit but I don't
> > think impact at all the startx script, it impacts when running X and
> Openbox
> > system wide) and so my startx script could be different from yours, I
> don't
> > knkow what system you are using.
> >
> > On this system startx script is part of xinit package in version 1.3.3. I
> > mentionned that because I expect this directory switch is done by the
> > command you are using to launch Openbox, which seems to be startx.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > mathias
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