[openbox] 3.4 - fantastic!

Dana Jansens danakj at orodu.net
Wed Jun 20 09:39:13 EDT 2007

On 6/20/07, Neil Bird <neil at fnxweb.com> wrote:
>    Got the Fedora devel RPMs running on F7 and it's great!  Good job, everyone!

>    Now all I've got to do is finish back-porting my few custom bindings,
> etc. from my old config. files ...
>    And can anyone tell me:  I xmodmap my keyboard a little, and so I've
> found I have to bind my Windows key with 'Mod4'.  What is it that 'tells'
> openbox that, say 'M' or 'W' would be my Windows key (and obviously isn't in
> my case)?  Is it something I can tidy up?

W is a shortcut for the Super mod keys, M is a shortcut for the Meta
mod keys.  You can bind them in any way you want.  Or, alternately,
you can use "Mod4-" to specify exactly Mod4.


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