Reshaping the dock?

Holly Bostick motub at
Wed Aug 31 21:53:40 EDT 2005

Can I? (hi, btw ;) )

Basically, I have a 128*192 space underneath gkrellm 2 and conky where
my 5 dockapps (plus gnubiff) would fit perfectly... if only I could
arrange the dockapps to form a 2x3 grid rather than a long line of
single 64*64 units.

Is this already possible and I missed it? Or is it not possible? If
not, why not (not being argumentative, really just asking)? I mean,
docks are archaic enough already, but there are a lot of (still) really
cool dockapps out there that make using a dock quite viable. But as soon
as you put the user (me) in the position of having to manage this
seemingly unchangeable *bar structure* which affects the size of my
desktop, and where I can place applications in order to keep the dock or
other monitors visible, the very most archaic quality of the dock
smacks me in the face, and means that I have to use all the
configuration power of OB to work around this immoveable object (yes, I
can hide it, but I don't necessarily want to hide it if I have monitors
that I need to be seeing, plus 'sweeping it under the rug' is not the
kind of solution I'd hope to see for a thoroughly modern WM like OB).

And it makes me think, because "all of the configuration power of OB'
(which is quite vast) is wasted, if what it's being used for is to work
around this ancient historical dock layout.

Is there something I'm not getting about this (quite possible)?


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