[openbox] Two questions...

Tom tom at abwaerts.be
Thu Apr 15 18:03:17 EDT 2004

* [Thursday 15 April 2004 23:50] brett at custom-tech.net (Brett Campbell):

> > First, I have heard about a dock, yet can't seem to use it. In the
> > archives of this list, someone said it should just pop up when it
> > has to (e.g. when running Kopete), but when I run Kopete, nothing
> > shows and I get its tray icon in just a new, tiny window. Am I
> > overlooking something obvious?
> a flag you need to pass to the application?  some programs will run
> in their own little window unless you specify an option to have the
> dock "swallow" it.
> > Because I do have some dockapps running properly...
> then what was all that, "i can't seem to use it" talk? ;)

Well... :-) I've been using Fluxbox for quite some time in a quite 
distant past, and I remember my confusion back then, about this thing 
they called "slit". It turned out to be a dock; I've yet to find out 
why they call it a slit.

So I just figured I might be mistaking the Openbox dock that contains 
the dockapps with something else. And, of course, I could've been 
missing something, I don't know, some add-on that offers the 
functionality I'm missing. Moreover, there's a screenshot among, ehm, 
the screenshots, that contains a docked IM-client in a smaller square 
than my dockapps.

Enough babbling already; thanks for your reply!

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