Something wrong with menu.xml - but what?

Jani Alanko jpalan at
Mon Nov 17 15:21:39 EST 2003

I have installed Openbox 3.0 and use it together
with fbpanel 2.2 and it works ok except the fact
that when I exit ob, I still have to kill X with
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace because with for some weird
reason, I can't get back to console, I guess there
is something wrong with my .xinitrc but I'm just too
dumb to figure out what it is.

exec openbox &
exec xli -onroot canyons_018.jpg &
exec fbpanel

Anyway, the main problem still is that I can't get
the menus working.
I edit them manually because I don't have obconf and
I don't have obconf because to get that I would have
to install more library and header files for which I
have no other use.

Here's my ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml (straight
copy-paste so the indententions propably suck big time):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<openbox_menu xmlns=""

<menu id="apps-menu" label="Applications">
  <item label="The GIMP">

<menu id="office-menu" label="Office">
  <item label="gv">
  <item label="Xpdf">

<menu id="games-menu" label="Games">
  <item label="Doom">
    <action name="Execute"><execute>llxdoom -iwad
  <item label="Doom II">
  <item label="NetHack">
    <action name="Execute"><execute>aterm -fg white
-bg black +sb -tr -sh 30 -e nethack</execute></action>

<menu id="net-menu" label="Network">
  <item label="Gtk-Gnutella">
  <item label="Irssi">
    <action name="Execute"><execute>aterm -fg white
-bg black +sb -tr -sh 30 -e irssi</execute></action>
  <item label="Mozilla">
  <item label="Mutt">
    <action name="Execute"><execute>aterm -fg white
-bg black +sb -tr -sh 30 -e mutt -y</execute></action>

<menu id="system-menu" label="System">
  <item label="Font selector">
  <item label="Processes">
    <action name="Execute"><execute>aterm -fg white
-bg black +sb -tr -sh 30 -e top</execute></action>
  <item label="Xkill">

<menu id="root-menu" label="Menu">
  <item label="Aterm">
    <action name="Execute"><execute>aterm -fg white
-bg black +sb -tr -sh 30</execute></action>
  <menu id="apps-menu" />
  <menu id="games-menu" />
  <menu id="net-menu" />
  <menu id="office-menu" />
  <menu id="system-menu" />
  <separator />
  <menu id="client-list-menu" />
  <separator />
  <item label="Reconfigure">
    <action name="Reconfigure" />
  <item label="Restart">
    <action name="Restart" />
  <separator />
  <item label="Exit">
    <action name="Exit" />


I've corrected all the typos I have found (I have no
syntax highlighting for xml in jed so I may have not
noticed all of them), but the son of a ***** still
doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?

Oh, and now that I remember: is there a way to
prevent maximized programs to go over or under the

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