[mohaa] CPU hogging (Was: [mohaa] Why is it so quit overhere)

Troy Chinnery t_chinnery at iprimus.com.au
Tue Apr 29 21:06:04 EDT 2003

wow i keep hearing that the server is so laggy at high players and stuff 
but i have had nothing but good experience with it..

i run a lan in australia and use a (single) p4 2.4ghz w/ 1gb ram and we had 
35 players, the cpu usage peaked at ~65%, and used about ~160mb ram... 
(only one player experienced crippling lag, so can't really blame the server)
i don't see what everybody is whining about, my server ran for 24 hours 
(length of lan) without crashing at all

At 12:03 AM 30/04/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>It seems it grows enormously with the amount of players for some 
>reason.... With 8 players it hardly consumes 10% CPU
>Here's my top with a full spearhead server (16 players) and just 5 players 
>on the MOHAA server
>Both servers were restarted this morning...
>As soon as both servers are filled to the max the box starts lagging like 
>an asthmatic ant :(
>11:46pm  up 45 days,  6:18,  1 user,  load average: 1.09, 0.98, 0.85
>81 processes: 75 sleeping, 6 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
>CPU states: 88.8% user,  5.3% system,  0.0% nice,  5.7% idle
>Mem:  1031768K av,  999076K used,   32692K free,       0K shrd,  111916K buff
>Swap: 1052248K av,    1708K used, 1050540K free                  575268K 
>6103 games     25   0    153M 153M       2980 R        87.0
>15.2        960:13 spearhead_lnxde
>6462 games     15   0    69200   67M       2724 R          6.3
>6.6          19:31 mohaa_lnxded
>11943 root         15   0     1064    1064        848 R
>0.5        0.1            0:00 top
>There are a few other things running but no (other) CPU hoggers as you can 
>Just for the record, with full 100Base-T to the Net, network bandwidth is 
>not the issue here.
>I wonder if Ryan has some results from the oprofile already.....
>Mohaa wrote:
>>Thats strange, i'm running a spearhead server with 8 people on a celeron 466
>>with 396MB of mem and it runs fine...
>>Are you running any other programs on that machine????

| Troy W. Chinnery                             |
| Phone: +61414493819                          |
| WWW: http://home.iprimus.com.au/chinnery/   |
| ICQ: 11871221                        |
| MSN: t_chinnery at iprimus.com.au               |
| AIM: OONevyn                                |
|  Y!: OONevyn                                |

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