[mohaa] Wrapping up the beta.

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Mon Jul 22 11:53:53 EDT 2002

> > Is there any solution as to why some servers advertise themselves, and
> > others do not?
> No idea...I'm assuming it's a config issue at the moment. I'll report back
> shortly.

Is there anyone that is NOT masquerading their IP address that is having
trouble with gamespy? I don't just mean a firewall, I mean that the IP
address the server claims to be when starting up is really you and not
something only visible on the LAN.

On my (firewalled/masqueraded behind a LinkSys DSL router) system, I seem
to be sending GameSpy heartbeats, but get no response, since I'm telling
GameSpy that I'm, which means nothing to the Gamespy server.

Also make sure the "dedicated" cvar is set to "2", "sv_gamespy" is set to "1".


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