[mohaa] install shortcuts

Tim Ladd Jr wingman at compueasy.com
Thu Jul 18 01:07:26 EDT 2002

ok couple things. This site has a lot of info in its guides on server.cfg
files etc.
Another thing is u must have ports 12203 and 12300(for gamespy listing)

-----Original Message-----
From: charles 'wokka' goldsmith [mailto:wokka at justfamily.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:21 AM
To: mohaa at icculus.org
Subject: [mohaa] install shortcuts

can you take a shortcut on uploading the installed game and just upload the
pk3 files?  are the video and sound files even used for a dedicated server?

the other q3 based linux servers are this way...  and the other files are
like another 600 meg :(

i'm trying it... the server says initialization complete, and when i type
commands in, ie status, i get replies...

but, when i connnect to it, i get a connection timed out on the server...
and i never see anything hit the game server... nothing in the console
saying it was being connected to, alah q3 servers

server has been up for 2 hours and no hits, no heartbeats, nothing, last
output was my status command... did another status, still on same map...
very bizarre...  here are my configs and startup commandline...

/data1/moh/mohaa_lnxded +set vm_game 1 +set fs_basepath '/data1/moh' +set
com_hunkmegs 70 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +exec server.cfg

i tried just data1/moh/mohaa_lnxded +exec server.cfg as well...and also just
mohaa_lnxded and then when the console was active, typed in map dm/mohdm6
and it initialized and status showed good with same results...

is it because i cheated, or am i missing something....    server.cfg is
below, but shouldn't matter too much...  this is a q3 config file template i
use for my other servers... some commands may not work...  so take my
example with a grain of salt :)

thanks for the help

seta r_smp 1
seta sv_showloss "1"
seta g_inactivity 0
seta g_motd "Hosted by www.eulogyclan.org - We rent servers"
seta g_log "wokka's_world.log"
seta g_logsync 0
seta g_synchronousClients 0
seta g_teamAutoJoin 0
seta g_teamForceBalance 1

// **************************          //
// ***** Server Specific ****          //
// **************************          //
seta timelimit 20
seta fraglimit 0
set dedicated 2
// seta g_gravity 850
seta g_allowvote 0
seta sv_reconnectlimit 3
seta sv_allowdownload 0
seta sv_zombietime 3
seta sv_timeout 120
seta sv_fps 24
seta sv_hostname " Wokka's World MOH:AA"
seta rconpassword "xxxx"
seta sv_pure 1
seta sv_floodProtect 1
//flood_waitdelay 10
//flood_persecond 4
//flood_msgs 4
sets "zstartup" "3007"
seta sv_privatepassword "xxxx"
seta sv_maxclients 10
seta sv_privateclients 2
seta sv_maxrate 8000
seta sv_minping 0
seta sv_maxping 0
seta sv_master1 "master3.idsoftware.com"
seta sv_master2 "master0.gamespy.com"
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta g_filterBan 1
//g_showbullettrace 1
set g_inactiveKick 300
set g_inactiveSpectate 60

sv_maplist "dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm6"
map "dm/mohdm6"

// **************************          //
// ***** Personal        ****          //
// **************************          //
sets "Administrator" "wokka"
sets "Email" "wokka at eulogyclan.org"
sets "URL" "http://www.eulogyclan.org"
sets "Location" "Dallas, TX"
sets "CPU" "Dual 1Ghz P3"
sets "ICQ" "5119068"
sets "Clan" "eulogy"
sets "Connection" "oc3"
sets "key" ""

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