install shortcuts

charles 'wokka' goldsmith wokka at
Thu Jul 18 00:21:15 EDT 2002

can you take a shortcut on uploading the installed game and just upload the
pk3 files?  are the video and sound files even used for a dedicated server?

the other q3 based linux servers are this way...  and the other files are
like another 600 meg :(

i'm trying it... the server says initialization complete, and when i type
commands in, ie status, i get replies...

but, when i connnect to it, i get a connection timed out on the server...
and i never see anything hit the game server... nothing in the console
saying it was being connected to, alah q3 servers

server has been up for 2 hours and no hits, no heartbeats, nothing, last
output was my status command... did another status, still on same map...
very bizarre...  here are my configs and startup commandline...

/data1/moh/mohaa_lnxded +set vm_game 1 +set fs_basepath '/data1/moh' +set
com_hunkmegs 70 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +exec server.cfg

i tried just data1/moh/mohaa_lnxded +exec server.cfg as well...and also just
mohaa_lnxded and then when the console was active, typed in map dm/mohdm6
and it initialized and status showed good with same results...

is it because i cheated, or am i missing something....    server.cfg is
below, but shouldn't matter too much...  this is a q3 config file template i
use for my other servers... some commands may not work...  so take my
example with a grain of salt :)

thanks for the help

seta r_smp 1
seta sv_showloss "1"
seta g_inactivity 0
seta g_motd "Hosted by - We rent servers"
seta g_log "wokka's_world.log"
seta g_logsync 0
seta g_synchronousClients 0
seta g_teamAutoJoin 0
seta g_teamForceBalance 1

// **************************          //
// ***** Server Specific ****          //
// **************************          //
seta timelimit 20
seta fraglimit 0
set dedicated 2
// seta g_gravity 850
seta g_allowvote 0
seta sv_reconnectlimit 3
seta sv_allowdownload 0
seta sv_zombietime 3
seta sv_timeout 120
seta sv_fps 24
seta sv_hostname " Wokka's World MOH:AA"
seta rconpassword "xxxx"
seta sv_pure 1
seta sv_floodProtect 1
//flood_waitdelay 10
//flood_persecond 4
//flood_msgs 4
sets "zstartup" "3007"
seta sv_privatepassword "xxxx"
seta sv_maxclients 10
seta sv_privateclients 2
seta sv_maxrate 8000
seta sv_minping 0
seta sv_maxping 0
seta sv_master1 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta g_filterBan 1
//g_showbullettrace 1
set g_inactiveKick 300
set g_inactiveSpectate 60

sv_maplist "dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm6"
map "dm/mohdm6"

// **************************          //
// ***** Personal        ****          //
// **************************          //
sets "Administrator" "wokka"
sets "Email" "wokka at"
sets "URL" ""
sets "Location" "Dallas, TX"
sets "CPU" "Dual 1Ghz P3"
sets "ICQ" "5119068"
sets "Clan" "eulogy"
sets "Connection" "oc3"
sets "key" ""

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