[mohaa] g_needpass & g_password

Christian Titulaer titulaer at 4players.de
Sat Aug 24 07:27:11 EDT 2002

On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 02:39:57PM -0400, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:
> > I'm right when I say "This game is based on a modified
> > Q3-Engine", hopefully. But, when this is truth... why are there
> > no g_needpass in a status response or no g_password to be set in
> > the configuration??
> It's based on Ritual's FAKK2, which is based on Quake3. The networking got
> kinda mangled in the process, so some cvars are just missing, in terms of
> Quake 3 compatibility.

And why is there a difference between the response of a \status\
on port 12300 and a 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0x02 getstatus on the
gameport? The last one don't tell abount the current directory
(in other words: the mods directory :), but the first does...

> > Or do I have to set the g_needpass manually? Can't this behaviour
> > be changed to "normal" (if there is something in g_password let
> > the server be protected and print \g_needpass\1 on a status
> > request)?
> Use these cvars:
>  sv_privatepassword MyPassword
>  sv_maxclients 5
>  sv_privateclients 5
> Clients that don't pull down the console and punch in
>   set password MyPasword
> before hand will not be able to connect, but up to five people with the
> password will. On GameSpy, the server looks like it's got zero of zero
> slots open (if you advertise it on GameSpy).

One question: why did the developers deleted a valuable variable
like g_needpass and sv_password??

I mean... is it for sure that a server, which has no
privatepassword set, but 12 out of 12 players as privateplayers
be as protected as a "real" protected server? How can I monitor
this via a qstat-like tool (<ad>perform a search on freshmeat for
"rcon.php" and you'll find the tool I mean</ad> :))

Greetings from rainy Germany

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