Only Super User can install using Loki setup ? clarifications needed.

Ram vshrirama at
Wed Aug 3 10:51:39 EDT 2005

   I am using Loki Setup. I think Only a super user can install the packages.

   I dont know why this has been done like this.

   If i try to install the software as a normal user on my home
directory or under my home directory. i get the message : No Write
Permissions on the Binary Directory.
   Going through the code. i found that it is checking if user has
write permissions
   into /usr/local/bin which is the default binary_path.

    it places the symbolic links there.

    Since, only root has access to that directory.  Hence Loki Setup
allows only root
    to install any files.

   Can i  change this binary path to my local HOME Directory ?.

    One more question.

    Why Installation directory and Binary Path (SymLinks directory)
cant be the same.

    Loki does not allow installation if it is the same.

     If i want a unique one, i think only sensibe is to use the -b option and
     redirect it to $HOME/.loki

      I dont know if i am missing something or if it is the right
thing to do. please clarify on this subject.

   I want to know can i modify this binary path or remove the
binary_path (symlinks_path)
   itself from the source if i dont want the symbolic links to be
created at all ?.

i want to know if there are any side effects to this ?

  I dont find a way to disable this. (checking for
symbolic_links_path). the deafault it /usr/local/bin

I can use -b option and give $HOME/.loki directory and work ?.

But i want to know if this is the correct approach.


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