[lokisetup] loki_setup autoconf doesn't check for curses

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Mon Jun 3 05:20:37 EDT 2002

> If I force it to link against ncurses, I get a few unresolved (which
> doesn't surprise me, since the compiling process has been running against
> curses headers probably). Do we need a toggle between using curses and
> ncurses? (ncurses means 'new' curses, right? it's a bit like md5/md5sum ..
> it's been 'new' for quite some time, so I suppose we should completely use
> ncurses)

All possible solutions feel ugly. I hate that.  :)

Stephane: This is your call. Tell me how we should handle this and I'll
fix configure.in.


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