[Gtkradiant] Halflife/CS support....

Timothee Besset gtkradiant@zerowing.idsoftware.com
Sat, 5 Jan 2002 12:06:34 +0100

Cool deal. I think that apart the VFSWAD system, the other important point
on multiple games support for now is a more modular BSP compilation and
engine spawning system. Wolf has some specifics, since it has SP and MP
mode, we don't spawn the same binary. We are also missing the ability to
run bspc, and to build more complex command systems. Definitely an
interesting thing to do.


On Fri, 4 Jan 2002 23:44:10 -0000
"Hydra" <hydra@hydras-world.com> wrote:

> Just to let you all know I started work on VFSWAD (the half-life wad file
> FS) today and it works great so far, just a bit of tidying up to do round
> the edges.
> Also started working on hlimage.dll (the half life wad file image loader)
> and have already loaded up textures from WAD files into radiant and applied
> them to brushes!
> w00t!
> Still quite a bit to do, texture window, texture menu, proper shader stuff,
> but's it's getting there and much quicker than I thought too!
> Also, in doing this work it's come to my attention that the default shader
> (textures/radiant/notex) needs to be configurable on a per-game basis!
> Hydra / Dom
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