unstable speed of game?

Jacek Popławski jpopl at interia.pl
Sun Mar 9 04:15:32 EST 2003

I was playing for a few hours tonight, and noticed problems with speed of

Sometimes (when there is a lot of objects in space?) action slow down. I assume
fps ratio drop down - there is less frames per second -> there is less physic
steps in second. But I found SDL_GetTicks() is used in timer.cpp, so
synchronization should (?) work well in that case. 

Difference is not small, everything is 2-3 times slower than normal. Maybe slow
down effect is just part of game engine? I haven't play Windows version :-)

Has anyone noticed problem with unstable action speed? Only exotic stuff in my
system is Voodoo3, but I use XFree86-4.3.0 with DRI...

PS. linux-2.4.21-pre5, glibc-2.2.5, polish version of FreeSpace2, src from
current CVS, compiled without options described as "not stable".

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