support for polish version of freespace 2

rraptorr rraptorr at
Mon Mar 3 02:27:57 EST 2003

I'va managed to get my polish version of freespace 2 working with the
attached patch. There was a problem with two polish letters (they were
correct in the .tbl files, but the game seemed to read wrong characters).
There is one nasty hack with function lcl_fix_polish, but it works. And
last thing, polish players need to add Language=Polish to the
FreeSpace2.ini file, otherwise the game crashes complaining about
corrupted strings.tbl. I've managed to finish the game and it works
great. I hope this patch will be merged with cvs repository :)

Janusz Dziemidowicz
rraptorr at
-------------- next part --------------
diff -ruN freespace2/include/localize.h freespace2-pl/include/localize.h
--- freespace2/include/localize.h	2002-06-09 06:41:13.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/include/localize.h	2003-02-14 08:53:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -60,10 +60,11 @@
 // language defines
-#define LCL_NUM_LANGUAGES				3							// keep this up to date
+#define LCL_NUM_LANGUAGES				4							// keep this up to date
 #define LCL_ENGLISH						0
 #define LCL_GERMAN						1
 #define LCL_FRENCH						2
+#define LCL_POLISH						3
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
 extern int Lcl_fr;
 extern int Lcl_gr;
 extern int Lcl_english;
+extern int Lcl_pl;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -142,6 +144,9 @@
 #define LCL_TO_ASCII	1
 char* lcl_fix_umlauts(char *str, int which_way);
+// convert some of the polish characters
+void lcl_fix_polish(char *str);
 // macro for launcher xstrs
 #if defined(GERMAN_BUILD)
 #define LXSTR(str, i)		(lcl_fix_umlauts(XSTR(str, i), LCL_TO_ANSI))
@@ -152,7 +157,9 @@
 void lcl_translate_wep_name(char *name);
 void lcl_translate_ship_name(char *name);
 void lcl_translate_brief_icon_name(char *name);
+void lcl_translate_brief_icon_name_pl(char *name);
 void lcl_translate_targetbox_name(char *name);
+void lcl_translate_targetbox_name_pl(char *name);
diff -ruN freespace2/include/medals.h freespace2-pl/include/medals.h
--- freespace2/include/medals.h	2002-06-09 06:41:13.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/include/medals.h	2003-02-14 16:15:58.000000000 +0100
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
 void blit_text();
 void medals_translate_name(char *name, int max_len);
+void medals_translate_name_pl(char *name, int max_len);
diff -ruN freespace2/src/controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp freespace2-pl/src/controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp
--- freespace2/src/controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp	2002-06-09 06:41:15.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/src/controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp	2003-02-14 16:50:52.000000000 +0100
@@ -695,6 +695,57 @@
 	"Button 31",	"Button 32",	"Hat Back",		"Hat Forward",	"Hat Left",		"Hat Right"
+char *Scan_code_text_polish[] = {
+	"",				"Esc",			"1",				"2",				"3",				"4",				"5",				"6",
+	"7",				"8",				"9",				"0",				"-",				"=",				"Backspace",	"Tab",
+	"Q",				"W",				"E",				"R",				"T",				"Y",				"U",				"I",
+	"O",				"P",				"[",				"]",				"Enter",			"Lewy Ctrl",	"A",				"S",
+	"D",				"F",				"G",				"H",				"J",				"K",				"L",				";",
+	"'",				"`",				"LShift",			"\\",				"Z",				"X",				"C",				"V",
+	"B",				"N",				"M",				",",				".",				"/",				"PShift",			"Num *",
+	"Alt",			"Spacja",		"CapsLock",	"F1",				"F2",				"F3",				"F4",				"F5",
+	"F6",				"F7",				"F8",				"F9",				"F10",			"Pause",			"Scrlock",	"Num 7",
+	"Num 8",			"Num 9",			"Num -",			"Num 4",			"Num 5",			"Num 6",			"Num +",			"Num 1",
+	"Num 2",			"Num 3",			"Num 0",			"Num .",			"",				"",				"",				"F11",
+	"F12",			"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"Num Enter",	"Prawy Ctrl",	"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"Num /",			"",				"PrntScr",
+	"Alt",			"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"Num Lock",		"",				"Home",
+	"Kursor G\xF3ra",		"Page Up",		"",				"Kursor Lewo",	"",				"Kursor Prawo",	"",				"End",
+	"Kursor D\xF3\xB3",  "Page Down",	"Insert",		"Delete",		"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+	"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",				"",
+char *Joy_button_text_polish[] = {
+	"Przyc.1",		"Przyc.2",		"Przyc.3",		"Przyc.4",		"Przyc.5",		"Przyc.6",
+	"Przyc.7",		"Przyc.8",		"Przyc.9",		"Przyc.10",	"Przyc.11",	"Przyc.12",
+	"Przyc.13",	"Przyc.14",	"Przyc.15",	"Przyc.16",	"Przyc.17",	"Przyc.18",
+	"Przyc.19",	"Przyc.20",	"Przyc.21",	"Przyc.22",	"Przyc.23",	"Przyc.24",
+	"Przyc.25",	"Przyc.26",	"Przyc.27",	"Przyc.28",	"Przyc.29",	"Przyc.30",
+	"Przyc.31",	"Przyc.32",	"Hat Ty\xB3",		"Hat Prz?d",	"Hat Lewo",		"Hat Prawo"
 char **Scan_code_text = Scan_code_text_english;
 char **Joy_button_text = Joy_button_text_english;
@@ -865,6 +916,9 @@
 	} else if(Lcl_fr){
 		Scan_code_text = Scan_code_text_french;
 		Joy_button_text = Joy_button_text_french;
+	} else if(Lcl_pl){
+		Scan_code_text = Scan_code_text_polish;
+		Joy_button_text = Joy_button_text_polish;
 	} else {
 		Scan_code_text = Scan_code_text_english;
 		Joy_button_text = Joy_button_text_english;
diff -ruN freespace2/src/hud/hud.cpp freespace2-pl/src/hud/hud.cpp
--- freespace2/src/hud/hud.cpp	2002-06-17 08:33:09.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/src/hud/hud.cpp	2003-02-18 17:32:11.000000000 +0100
@@ -1407,7 +1407,12 @@
-	gr_printf(Supernova_coords[gr_screen.res][0], Supernova_coords[gr_screen.res][1], "Supernova Warning : %.2f s", time_left);
+	if(Lcl_pl) {
+	    gr_printf(Supernova_coords[gr_screen.res][0], Supernova_coords[gr_screen.res][1], "Wybuch supernowej : %.2f s", time_left);
+	}
+	else {
+	    gr_printf(Supernova_coords[gr_screen.res][0], Supernova_coords[gr_screen.res][1], "Supernova Warning : %.2f s", time_left);
+	}
 // render multiplayer ping time to the server if appropriate
diff -ruN freespace2/src/hud/hudtargetbox.cpp freespace2-pl/src/hud/hudtargetbox.cpp
--- freespace2/src/hud/hudtargetbox.cpp	2002-06-18 10:58:53.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/src/hud/hudtargetbox.cpp	2003-02-14 16:43:29.000000000 +0100
@@ -429,7 +429,35 @@
 		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "laser") || strstr(outstr, "turret") || strstr(outstr, "missile") ) {
 			strcpy(outstr, "tourelle");
-	} else {	
+	} else if(Lcl_pl){	
+		if ( strstr(outstr, "communication") )	{
+			strcpy(outstr, "komunikacja");
+		} else if ( !stricmp(outstr, "weapons") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "uzbrojenie");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "engine") || strstr(outstr, "Engine")) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "silnik");
+		} else if ( !stricmp(outstr, "sensors") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "sensory");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "navigat") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "nawigacja");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "fighterbay") || strstr(outstr, "Fighterbay") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "dok my\x9Cliw.");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "missile") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "wie\xBF. rakiet.");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "laser") || strstr(outstr, "turret") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "wie\xBFyczka");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "Command Tower") || strstr(outstr, "Bridge") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "mostek");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "Barracks") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "koszary");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "Reactor") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "reaktor");
+		} else if ( strstr(outstr, "RadarDish") ) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "antena radaru");
+		} else if (!stricmp(outstr, "Gas Collector")) {
+			strcpy(outstr, "zbieracz gazu");
+		} 
+	} else {
 		if (!strnicmp(outstr, XSTR( "communication", 333), 3))	{
 			strcpy( outstr, XSTR( "comm", 334) );
 		} else if (!strnicmp(outstr, XSTR( "navigation", 335), 3))	{
@@ -938,6 +966,9 @@
 	if (Lcl_gr) {
+	else if(Lcl_pl) {
+		lcl_translate_targetbox_name_pl(outstr);
+	}
 	emp_hud_string(Targetbox_coords[gr_screen.res][TBOX_NAME][0], Targetbox_coords[gr_screen.res][TBOX_NAME][1], EG_TBOX_NAME, outstr);	
 	// print out ship class
@@ -957,6 +988,9 @@
 	if (Lcl_gr) {
+	else if(Lcl_pl) {
+		lcl_translate_targetbox_name_pl(temp_name);
+	}
 	emp_hud_printf(Targetbox_coords[gr_screen.res][TBOX_CLASS][0], Targetbox_coords[gr_screen.res][TBOX_CLASS][1], EG_TBOX_CLASS, temp_name);
 	ship_integrity = 1.0f;
diff -ruN freespace2/src/localization/localize.cpp freespace2-pl/src/localization/localize.cpp
--- freespace2/src/localization/localize.cpp	2002-06-09 06:41:22.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/src/localization/localize.cpp	2003-02-14 16:41:11.000000000 +0100
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@
 	{ "English",		"" },									// english
 	{ "German",			"gr" },								// german
 	{ "French",			"fr" },								// french
+	{ "Polish",			"pl" },								// polish
 //#if defined(GERMAN_BUILD)
@@ -320,6 +321,7 @@
 // following is the offset where special characters start in our font
 #define LCL_SPECIAL_CHARS		127
@@ -329,6 +331,7 @@
 // only 1 will be active at a time
 int Lcl_fr = 0;
 int Lcl_gr = 0 ;
+int Lcl_pl = 0;
 int Lcl_english = 1;
@@ -529,6 +532,11 @@
 			stuff_string(buf, F_NAME, NULL, 4096);
+			if(Lcl_pl) {
+			    lcl_fix_polish(buf);
+			}
 			i = strlen(buf);
 			while (i--) {
 				if (!isspace(buf[i])) {
@@ -638,6 +646,7 @@
 	// flag the proper language as being active
 	Lcl_fr = 0;
 	Lcl_gr = 0;
+	Lcl_pl = 0;
 	Lcl_english = 0;
@@ -652,6 +661,10 @@
 		Lcl_gr = 1;
 		Lcl_special_chars = LCL_SPECIAL_CHARS_GR;
+	case LCL_POLISH:
+		Lcl_pl = 1;
+		Lcl_special_chars = LCL_SPECIAL_CHARS_PL;
+		break;
 	// set to 0, so lcl_ext_open() knows to reset file pointers
@@ -952,6 +965,10 @@
 	// now that we know the boundaries of the actual string in the XSTR() tag. copy it
 	memcpy(out, xstr + str_start, str_end - str_start);	
+	if(Lcl_pl) {
+	    lcl_fix_polish(out);
+	}
 	// success
 	return 1;
@@ -1395,6 +1412,15 @@
 	return str;
+// convert some of the polish characters
+void lcl_fix_polish(char *str)
+    for(;*str;str++) {
+	if(*str == '\xA2') *str = '\xF3';
+	else if(*str == '\x88') *str = '\xEA';
+    }
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // lcl_translate_wep_name()
@@ -1561,6 +1587,94 @@
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// lcl_translate_brief_icon_name_pl()
+// For displaying ship names in polish version
+// since we cant actually just change them outright.
+void lcl_translate_brief_icon_name_pl(char *name)
+	char *pos;
+	char buf[128];
+	if (!stricmp(name, "Subspace Portal")) {	
+		strcpy(name, "Portal podprz.");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Alpha Wing")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Alfa");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Beta Wing")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Beta");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Zeta Wing")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Zeta");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Capella Node")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Capella");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Hostile")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Wr\xF3g");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Hostile Craft")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Wr\xF3g");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Rebel Wing")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Rebelianci");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Rebel Fleet")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Flota Rebelii");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Sentry Gun")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Dzia\xB3o str.");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Cargo")) {
+		strcpy(name, "\xA3"); // gcc complains about xA3a being to large
+		strcat(name, "adunek");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Knossos Device")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Urz. Knossos");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Support")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Wsparcie");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Unknown")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Nieznany");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Instructor")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Instruktor");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Jump Node")) {
+		strcpy(name, "W\xEAze\xB3 skokowy");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Escort")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Eskorta");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Asteroid Field")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Pole asteroid");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Enif Station")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Stacja Enif");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Rally Point")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Pkt zborny");
+	} else if ((pos = strstr(name, "Transport")) != NULL) {
+		pos += 9;		// strlen of "transport"
+		strcpy(buf, "Transporter");
+		strcat(buf, pos);
+		strcpy(name, buf);
+	} else if ((pos = strstr(name, "Jump Node")) != NULL) {
+		pos += 9;		// strlen of "jump node"
+		strcpy(buf, "W\xEAze\xB3 skokowy");
+		strcat(buf, pos);
+		strcpy(name, buf);
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Orion under repair")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Naprawiany Orion");
+	}
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // lcl_translate_ship_name()
@@ -1627,3 +1741,54 @@
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// lcl_translate_targetbox_name_pl()
+// For displaying ship names in polish version in the targetbox
+// since we cant actually just change them outright.
+void lcl_translate_targetbox_name_pl(char *name)
+	char *pos;
+	char buf[128];
+	if ((pos = strstr(name, "Sentry")) != NULL) {
+		pos += 6;		// strlen of "sentry"
+		strcpy(buf, "Stra\xBFnik");
+		strcat(buf, pos);
+		strcpy(name, buf);
+	} else if ((pos = strstr(name, "Support")) != NULL) {
+		pos += 7;		// strlen of "support"
+		strcpy(buf, "Wsparcie");
+		strcat(buf, pos);
+		strcpy(name, buf);
+	} else if ((pos = strstr(name, "Unknown")) != NULL) {
+		pos += 7;		// strlen of "unknown"
+		strcpy(buf, "Nieznany");
+		strcat(buf, pos);
+		strcpy(name, buf);
+	} else if ((pos = strstr(name, "Drone")) != NULL) {
+		pos += 5;		// strlen of "drone"
+		strcpy(buf, "Sonda");
+		strcat(buf, pos);
+		strcpy(name, buf);
+	} else if ((pos = strstr(name, "Jump Node")) != NULL) {
+		pos += 9;		// strlen of "jump node"
+		strcpy(buf, "W\xEAze\xB3 skokowy");
+		strcat(buf, pos);
+		strcpy(name, buf);
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Instructor")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Instruktor");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "NTF Vessel")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Okr\xEAt NTF");
+	} else if (!stricmp(name, "Enif Station")) {
+		strcpy(name, "Stacja Enif");
+	}
diff -ruN freespace2/src/mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp freespace2-pl/src/mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp
--- freespace2/src/mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp	2002-06-17 08:33:09.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/src/mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp	2003-02-14 08:56:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -1192,6 +1192,12 @@
 					gr_get_string_size(&w, &h, buf);
 					gr_printf(bc - fl2i(w/2.0f), by - h, buf);
+				} else if(Lcl_pl) {
+					char buf[128];
+					strcpy(buf, bi->label);
+					lcl_translate_brief_icon_name_pl(buf);
+					gr_get_string_size(&w, &h, buf);
+					gr_printf(bc - fl2i(w/2.0f), by - h, buf);
 				} else {
 					gr_printf(bc - fl2i(w/2.0f), by - h, bi->label);
diff -ruN freespace2/src/missionui/missiondebrief.cpp freespace2-pl/src/missionui/missiondebrief.cpp
--- freespace2/src/missionui/missiondebrief.cpp	2002-07-13 08:46:48.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/src/missionui/missiondebrief.cpp	2003-02-14 16:15:22.000000000 +0100
@@ -2529,6 +2529,9 @@
 	if (Lcl_gr) {
 		medals_translate_name(Debrief_award_text[Debrief_award_text_num_lines], AWARD_TEXT_MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
+	else if(Lcl_pl) {
+		medals_translate_name_pl(Debrief_award_text[Debrief_award_text_num_lines], AWARD_TEXT_MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
+	}
diff -ruN freespace2/src/stats/medals.cpp freespace2-pl/src/stats/medals.cpp
--- freespace2/src/stats/medals.cpp	2002-06-09 06:41:27.000000000 +0200
+++ freespace2-pl/src/stats/medals.cpp	2003-02-16 19:52:40.000000000 +0100
@@ -540,6 +540,66 @@
+// this is just a hack to display translated names without actually changing the names, 
+// which would break stuff
+void medals_translate_name_pl(char *name, int max_len)
+	if (!strcmp(name, "Epsilon Pegasi Liberation")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Order Wyzwolenia Epsilon Pegasi", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Imperial Order of Vasuda")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Imperialny Order Vasudy", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Distinguished Flying Cross")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Krzy\xBF Wybitnego Pilota", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "SOC Service Medallion")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Krzy\xBF S\xB3u?b Specjalnych", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Intelligence Cross")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Krzy\xBF Wywiadu", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Order of Galatea")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Order Galatei", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Meritorious Unit Commendation")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Medal Pochwalny", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Medal of Valor")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Medal za Odwag\xEA", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "GTVA Legion of Honor")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Legia Honorowa GTVA", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Allied Defense Citation")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Order za Obron\xEA Sojuszu", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Nebula Campaign Victory Star")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Gwiazda Wiktorii Kampanii w Mg?awicy", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "NTF Campaign Victory Star")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Gwiazda Wiktorii Kampanii NTF", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Rank")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Ranga", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Wings")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Skrzyd?a", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Ace")) {
+		strncpy(name, "As", max_len);	
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Double Ace")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Podw\xF3jny As", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "Triple Ace")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Potr\xF3jny As", max_len);
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "SOC Unit Crest")) {
+		strncpy(name, "Tarcza S\xB3u?b Specjalnych", max_len);	
+	}
 void blit_label(char *label, int *coords, int num)
 	int x, y, sw;
@@ -559,6 +619,17 @@
 			sprintf( text, NOX("%s (%d)"), translated_label, num );
 		} else {
 			sprintf( text, "%s", translated_label );
+		}
+	} else if(Lcl_pl) {
+		char translated_label[256];
+		strncpy(translated_label, label, 256);
+		medals_translate_name_pl(translated_label, 256);
+		// set correct string
+		if ( num > 1 ) {
+			sprintf( text, NOX("%s (%d)"), translated_label, num );
+		} else {
+			sprintf( text, "%s", translated_label );
 	} else {
 		// set correct string

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