? polymodel reading & byteSwaps

tigital tigital at mac.com
Thu Oct 3 13:16:25 EDT 2002


...I've been working on and off on porting this project to OSX/PPC 
architecture for awhile, but after some initial successes, I seem to 
be mired...

...specifically, I'm getting a crash in model_octant_find_shields() 
when loading the transport2t-01.pof model...it's easy to see why, 
because all of the pm->shield info either needs to be swapped or I've 
erroneously swapped it already...the thing is, I can't find where 
this info is actually read in, so does anyone have an pointer to 
where the shield_info shield in the polymodel struct is loaded?

...it's also confusing to me that this crash doesn't happen on models 
loaded earlier, like fighter2t-02.pof and a coupla others I didn't 
write down:  do these models not have shields?  I know they are read 
earlier (as in, before the mission is loaded), but...?

...oh, and another thing, I've noticed a log message that may 
indicate some other problem, and would like to know if it occurs on 
the x86 version:

"model support01.pof core radius increased from 3.7 to 10.0 to fit eye"

...If someone could check out how these are done on the x86 version, 
I'd really appreciate it!


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