[cod] Getting out of memory for certain maps

Markus Fischer markus at fischer.name
Wed Nov 4 18:30:29 EST 2009


Caleb Stephens wrote:
> one of two things, either there is a limitation included at the command
> line (not sure on all of the command line options), or there is an issue
> with the box.
> More details on your box ... is this by chance a Xen or VMWare
> instance?  you could be seeing some funny virtualization aftereffect?? 

Yes, it's actually running in a virtualized environment (linux-vserver),
however I doubt that's the problem as there's enough RAM left and I can
e.g. run two Urban Terror dedicated instances parallel without troubles
(and they, together, use about 400MB; I tested with them not running).

- Markus

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