[cod] 1.4 DemonWare

Seth Sauls wizz220 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 12:04:04 EDT 2009

Hi All

Ok when the 1.4 patch came out there was a issue with the can not retrieve
session, killing server fault.  After looking innto this Treyarch changed
some port in it.  Here is the summery of what I did

CoD5 v1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 will run with default ports with ETQW server with
default ports.

Installed CoD5 v1.4 patch and all of a sudden it would not run.  It would
log innto the lobby as it should with no problems but at the ned of the
server log I was seeing could not retreive session killing server.  I shut
down all the servers on the box and CoD5 v1.4 came right up just fine and
fast.  So it had to be another server.  What I found is that ETQW sdnet port
was NOW conflicting with CoD5 v1.4.  Guess what port the sdnet port is for,
daemon aka "Session Creation".

I then changed the default sdnet port of ETQW up by 10 and wham both ETQW
and CoD5 v1.4 came right up

I do not know what Treyarch did but they did infact change the session port
being used.  Again CoD5 v1.1 to 1.3 will work just fine with default ports
with ETQW at default ports.  In CoD5 v1.4 the session creation port was
changed and will conflict with ETQW sdnet port if not changed.  Since we can
not change the CoD5 port I had to change the ETQW sdnet port and once I did
that both servers now works perfectly.

This is just for info and if you are getting session creation/retrival
errors look at the following port number 3074.  If you have another server
or process that is using 3074 it could/will conflict with CoD5 v1.4 inref to
"Session Creation/retrieval.


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Bong-Master <
bong-master at thesilverdagger.co.uk> wrote:

>  From Messages log.
> One can only assume that this is ok ? (every 3 min)
> Server: Updating session (180050ms)
> .bdLog[6589]: ../DemonWare/bdCore/bdContainers/bdBitBuffer.cpp(526):
> ERROR: Expected: UInt32 , read: NoType
> Server: Session updated
> ive also noticed this aswell dont know if it was happing befor i patched
> kernel: audit(1239702326.736:936): avc: denied { execmod } for pid=6589
> comm="codwaw_lnxded-b" name="pbsv.so" dev=dm-3 ino=14844693
> scontext=user_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0
> tcontext=user_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 tclass=file
> are these issues that need to be fixed or are they the same as all the
> WARNING: unknown dvar
> Have a nice day [image: Smile emoticon]
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