Modded gametype issue.

Robert Mount rmount at
Sun Mar 23 23:05:57 EDT 2008

Hi All,

Running Freezetag gametype
(  It uses
"ftag" as a game type.

When i start my server, i set a rotation with that gametype in the
rotation list (shortened example):
set sv_mapRotation "gametype ftag map mp_showdown gametype ftag map mp_strike"

When i start my server, it errors out that "ftag" isn't a valid
gametype and defaults to Deathmatch mode.  As soon as i rotate the
map, Freezetag loads up as the gametype.  It's like the mod isn't
loaded yet or something, but loads after the first map is up and
running.  I can also manually set the gametype (via rcon or console)
to ftag and map_restart on the current map and it loads properly.

Could be a buggy mod, or it could me by config.

My startup (broken up for readbility/wrapping):
./cod4_lnxded-bin +set fs_game "mods/ftag11" +set dedicated 2 \
+set net_ip x.x.x.x +set net_port 28960 +set fs_basepath /home/cod4-01/cod4 \
+set fs_homepath /home/cod4-01/cod4 +exec server.cfg +exec ftag11.cfg \
+set sv_punkbuster 1 +map_rotate

Any seen this before?


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