AW: [cod] Linux Beta

Edwin Terlouw edwinterlouw at
Fri Oct 28 03:55:53 EDT 2005

>Brian wrote:

>I know everyone reading this probably bought the game, and I know it's a
>pain in the ass to upload 4G on a home broadband connection... but all
>this talk about arranging to copy the game files all over the place is
>still something you really don't want to be doing on a semi-official
>list.  I mean, what's next, somebody going to ask for a keygen?

I think the serverfiles are just free for public to download, if you 
download the large linux bins you can almost play CoD just by adding the 
.exe files. And it isnt really arranging copying, al the people using this 
list want to know and checkout the linux binaries, and if done before the 
official release, maybe some important things (bugs etc etc) can be reported 
first! So I think it is kind of usefull. And after we are a kind of 
testers/evaluators giving feedback to the creators of the game 
(Ryan/activions etc).

(and sorry for my bad grammar)

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