[cod] Server crash, cpu takes 100%

Mark J. DeFilippis defilm at acm.org
Wed Jan 12 21:28:05 EST 2005


My TWL matches are killing me.  It appears these crashes happen only during 
Matches have a diff config. Friendly fire is off, etc. Here is log 
output.  It does not die
after every punkbuster shot, and it appears to be ONLY UO TDM matches??

But look at it seems to gag on the code, and it is what it does for a living.

This is killing me.

Can anyone help?  Sure looks like a PB thing...

[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Auto Screenshot 000417 Requested from 
5  ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Auto Screenshot 000418 Requested from 4  ^2{TRv} 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #7 7b79(-) ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.] 
"cg_hudStanceHintPrints" "cg_objectiveText" "cg_vehicletrails" 
"cg_weaponSelect" "cl_allowDownload" "cl_guid" "cl_ingame" 
"cl_languagesavailable" "cl_punkbuster" "cl_running" "com_introplayed" 
"com_recommendedSet" "fs_game" "fx_cullbias" "fx_cullscale" "g_gametype" 
"g_scriptMainMenu" "m_filter" "mss_3d_provider" "mss_volume" "name" 
"password" "r_ati_vertex_array_object" "r_dlightQuality" 
"r_lastValidRenderer" "r_mem_agp" "r_mem_backend" "r_mem_video" "r_mode" 
"r_nv_fog_dist" "r_picmip" "r_sunblind_max_darken" "r_sunflare_max_alpha" 
"r_sunflare_max_size" "r_sunflare_min_angle" "r_sunflare_min_size" 
"r_sunflare_shader" "r_sunglare_max_lighten" "r_sunsprite_shader" 
"r_uiFullScreen" "r_vbo_paranoia" "sensitivity" "sv_allowDownload" 
"sv_pakNames" "sv_paks" "sv_punkbuster" "sv_referencedPakNames" 
"sv_referencedPaks" "sv_serverid" "sys_configSum" "sys_cpuMHz" 
"sys_cpustring" "sys_sysMB" "sys_vidMB" "ui_browserMod" 
"ui_browserShowDedicated" "ui_browserShowEmpty" "ui_browserShowFull" [71 
changed cvars found]
Client 27 connecting with 150 challenge ping from
       cvar set cg_atmos -1
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Screenshot /home/cod/cod/pb/svss/pb000408.png TIMED 
OUT after 440 seconds (slot=1)
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Screenshot /home/cod/cod/pb/svss/pb000408.png TIMED 
OUT after 447 seconds (slot=1)
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Auto Screenshot 000419 Requested from 
7  ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Screenshot /home/cod/cod/pb/svss/pb000408.png TIMED 
OUT after 429 seconds (slot=1)
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #1) pb_sv_bindsrch 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : 8 Bind Queries Sent
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #3 585a(-) ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #8 5d96(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]^4B^5lueBa^4tR^5ay.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #7 7b79(-) ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #6 d2be(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]RE^9larz] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #5 7581(-) ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #1 0040(-) ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #4 9f24(-) ^2{TRv} G^9^9aztan^2x] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #2 e8ff(-) ^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Screenshot /home/cod/cod/pb/svss/pb000417.png 
successfully received from 5 ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy 
(MD5=9BDD5F53EA1CBDE1D4435E31924E48A3) []
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Auto Screenshot 000420 Requested from 
3  ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : CORRUPT Screenshot /home/cod/cod/pb/svss/pb000416.png 
received from 1 ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y
Sending heartbeat to coduomaster.activision.com
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : VIOLATION (PB INTEGRITY) #10006: 
^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id (slot #2) Technical Violation: Failed PunkBuster 
Integrity Check [fd058658fb2eff24fdfbe0e58ce8e8ff(-)]
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'maps\mp\gametypes\tdm.gsc', line 820)
    setTeamScore(self.pers["team"], teamscore);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 65)
  [[level.callbackPlayerKilled]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 63)
CodeCallback_PlayerKilled(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, 
sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc)

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 56)
  [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 54)
CodeCallback_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc)

WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!

******* script runtime error *******
pair has unmatching types 'string' and 'string': (file 
'maps\mp\gametypes\tdm.gsc', line 820)
    setTeamScore(self.pers["team"], teamscore);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 65)
  [[level.callbackPlayerKilled]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 63)
CodeCallback_PlayerKilled(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, 
sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc)

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 56)
  [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 54)
CodeCallback_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc)

[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #5 7581(-) ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy] 
"cg_hudStanceHintPrints" "cg_objectiveText" "cg_weaponSelect" 
"cl_currentServerAddress" "cl_guid" "cl_ingame" "cl_languagesavailable" 
"cl_punkbuster" "cl_running" "cl_stance" "com_expectedhunkusage" 
"com_introplayed" "com_recommendedSet" "fs_game" "g_gametype" 
"g_scriptMainMenu" "mss_volume" "name" "password" 
"r_ext_draw_range_elements" "r_lastValidRenderer" "r_mem_agp" 
"r_mem_backend" "r_mem_video" "r_mode" "r_nv_fog_available" "r_nv_fog_dist" 
"r_picmip" "r_sunblind_max_darken" "r_sunflare_max_alpha" 
"r_sunflare_max_size" "r_sunflare_min_angle" "r_sunflare_min_size" 
"r_sunflare_shader" "r_sunglare_max_lighten" "r_sunsprite_shader" 
"r_swapInterval" "r_uiFullScreen" "r_vbo_paranoia" "r_vbo_stream_draw" 
"sv_allowDownload" "sv_pakNames" "sv_paks" "sv_referencedPakNames" 
"sv_referencedPaks" "sv_serverid" "sys_configSum" "sys_cpuMHz" 
"sys_cpustring" "sys_sysMB" "sys_vidMB" "ui_allow_fg42" 
"ui_allow_panzerfaust" "ui_allowVote" "ui_allowVoteGameType" 
"ui_allowVoteMap" "ui_hostname" [78 changed cvars found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Auto Screenshot 000421 Requested from 
2  ^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #1 0040(-) ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y] 
"scr_allow_bar" "scr_allow_bren" "scr_allow_enfield" "scr_allow_fg42" 
"scr_allow_kar98k" "scr_allow_kar98ksniper" "scr_allow_m1carbine" 
"scr_allow_m1garand" "scr_allow_mp40" "scr_allow_mp44" "scr_allow_nagant" 
"scr_allow_nagantsniper" "scr_allow_panzerfaust" "scr_allow_ppsh" 
"scr_allow_springfield" "scr_allow_sten" "scr_allow_thompson" 
"scr_bel_alivepointtime" "scr_bel_scorelimit" "scr_bel_timelimit" 
"scr_cnq_scorelimit" "scr_cnq_timelimit" "scr_ctf_flagrecovertime" 
"scr_ctf_scorelimit" "scr_ctf_scoreondropped" "scr_ctf_showcarrier" 
"scr_ctf_timelimit" "scr_dem_graceperiod" "scr_dem_roundlength" 
"scr_dem_roundlimit" "scr_dem_scorelimit" "scr_dem_timelimit" 
"scr_dm_scorelimit" "scr_dm_timelimit" "scr_forcerespawn" "scr_freelook" 
"scr_hq_scorelimit" "scr_hq_timelimit" "scr_lts_graceperiod" 
"scr_lts_roundlength" "scr_lts_roundlimit" "scr_lts_scorelimit" 
"scr_lts_timelimit" "scr_re_graceperiod" "scr_re_roundlength" 
"scr_re_roundlimit" "scr_re_scorelimit" "scr_re_showcarrier" [60 user cvars 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Screenshot /home/cod/cod/pb/svss/pb000420.png 
successfully received from 3 ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz 
(MD5=7627EF304BB748D2F357F79A6837F029) []
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #2) pb_sv_bindsrch 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : 8 Bind Queries Sent
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #3 585a(-) ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #1 0040(-) ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #5 7581(-) ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #8 5d96(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]^4B^5lueBa^4tR^5ay.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #7 7b79(-) ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #6 d2be(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]RE^9larz] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #4 9f24(-) ^2{TRv} G^9^9aztan^2x] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #2 e8ff(-) ^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #3 585a(-) ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz] "cg_blood" 
"cg_hudStanceHintPrints" "cg_objectiveText" "cg_weaponSelect" 
"cl_currentServerAddress" "cl_guid" "cl_ingame" "cl_languagesavailable" 
"cl_punkbuster" "cl_running" "com_expectedhunkusage" "com_introplayed" 
"com_recommendedSet" "fs_game" "g_gametype" "g_ScoresBanner_Allies" 
"g_scriptMainMenu" "g_TeamColor_Allies" "g_TeamName_Allies" "name" 
"password" "r_ati_vertex_array_object" "r_fullscreen" "r_lastValidRenderer" 
"r_mem_agp" "r_mem_backend" "r_mem_video" "r_mode" "r_nv_fog_dist" 
"r_picmip" "r_sunblind_max_darken" "r_sunflare_max_alpha" 
"r_sunflare_max_size" "r_sunflare_min_angle" "r_sunflare_min_size" 
"r_sunflare_shader" "r_sunglare_max_lighten" "r_sunsprite_shader" 
"r_swapInterval" "r_uiFullScreen" "r_vbo_paranoia" "rconPassword" 
"scr_layoutimage" "sv_allowDownload" "sv_pakNames" "sv_paks" 
"sv_referencedPakNames" "sv_referencedPaks" "sv_serverid" "sys_configSum" 
"sys_cpuMHz" "sys_cpustring" "sys_sysMB" "sys_vidMB" "ui_allow_artillery" 
"ui_allow_bar" "ui_allow_bren" [113 changed cvars found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Screenshot /home/cod/cod/pb/svss/pb000421.png 
successfully received from 2 ^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id 
(MD5=8F5CD0A87CFF4B92067397130A973CBF) []
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #1 0040(-) ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y] 
"cg_hudStanceHintPrints" "cg_objectiveText" "cg_weaponSelect" "cl_guid" 
"cl_ingame" "cl_languagesavailable" "cl_punkbuster" "cl_running" 
"com_expectedhunkusage" "com_introplayed" "com_recommendedSet" "fs_game" 
"g_gametype" "g_scriptMainMenu" "name" "password" 
"r_ati_vertex_array_object" "r_lastValidRenderer" "r_lodscale" "r_mem_agp" 
"r_mem_backend" "r_mem_video" "r_mode" "r_nv_fog_dist" "r_picmip2" 
"r_sunblind_max_darken" "r_sunflare_max_alpha" "r_sunflare_max_size" 
"r_sunflare_min_angle" "r_sunflare_min_size" "r_sunflare_shader" 
"r_sunglare_max_lighten" "r_sunsprite_shader" "r_swapInterval" 
"r_uiFullScreen" "r_vbo_paranoia" "scr_layoutimage" "sv_allowDownload" 
"sv_hostname" "sv_night" "sv_pakNames" "sv_paks" "sv_punkbuster" 
"sv_referencedPakNames" "sv_referencedPaks" "sv_serverid" "sys_configSum" 
"sys_cpuMHz" "sys_cpustring" "sys_sysMB" "sys_vidMB" "ui_netGametype" 
"ui_netGametypeName" "ui_netSource" "ui_scriptMenu" "ui_scriptMenuIndex" 
"ui_weapontab" "vid_xpos" "vid_ypos" [59 changed cvars found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #3) pb_sv_bindsrch 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : 8 Bind Queries Sent
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #7 7b79(-) ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #3 585a(-) ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #6 d2be(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]RE^9larz] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #4 9f24(-) ^2{TRv} G^9^9aztan^2x] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #1 0040(-) ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #5 7581(-) ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #8 5d96(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]^4B^5lueBa^4tR^5ay.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #2 e8ff(-) ^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id] [0 key 
binding matches found]
Sending heartbeat to coduomaster.activision.com
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #8 5d96(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]^4B^5lueBa^4tR^5ay.] 
"scr_allow_bar" "scr_allow_bren" "scr_allow_enfield" "scr_allow_fg42" 
"scr_allow_kar98k" "scr_allow_kar98ksniper" "scr_allow_m1carbine" 
"scr_allow_m1garand" "scr_allow_mp40" "scr_allow_mp44" "scr_allow_nagant" 
"scr_allow_nagantsniper" "scr_allow_panzerfaust" "scr_allow_ppsh" 
"scr_allow_springfield" "scr_allow_sten" "scr_allow_thompson" 
"scr_bel_alivepointtime" "scr_bel_scorelimit" "scr_bel_timelimit" 
"scr_cnq_scorelimit" "scr_cnq_timelimit" "scr_ctf_flagrecovertime" 
"scr_ctf_scorelimit" "scr_ctf_scoreondropped" "scr_ctf_showcarrier" 
"scr_ctf_timelimit" "scr_dem_graceperiod" "scr_dem_roundlength" 
"scr_dem_roundlimit" "scr_dem_scorelimit" "scr_dem_timelimit" 
"scr_dm_scorelimit" "scr_dm_timelimit" "scr_forcerespawn" "scr_freelook" 
"scr_hq_scorelimit" "scr_hq_timelimit" "scr_lts_graceperiod" 
"scr_lts_roundlength" "scr_lts_roundlimit" "scr_lts_scorelimit" 
"scr_lts_timelimit" "scr_re_graceperiod" "scr_re_roundlength" 
"scr_re_roundlimit" "scr_re_scorelimit" "scr_re_showcarrier" [60 user cvars 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #1) pb_sv_bindsrch 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : 8 Bind Queries Sent
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #3 585a(-) ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #5 7581(-) ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #7 7b79(-) ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #1 0040(-) ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #6 d2be(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]RE^9larz] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #2 e8ff(-) ^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #4 9f24(-) ^2{TRv} G^9^9aztan^2x] [0 key 
binding matches found]
Rcon from
Hitch warning: 3298 msec frame time
Sending heartbeat to coduomaster.activision.com
SV_AuthorizeIpPacket: challenge not found
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : New Connection (slot #7) [?]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Player GUID Computed 
120001e47309210e3c94d65e8d927b79(-) (slot #7) 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : New Connection (slot #4) [?]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Player GUID Computed 
fc588208a5c24af514df3ea0909e9f24(-) (slot #4) ^2{TRv} 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : New Connection (slot #8) [?]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Player GUID Computed 
48709cf5fdaabc207c9b7cdb15635d96(-) (slot #8) 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : New Connection (slot #3) [?]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Player GUID Computed 
541ae7c8b3b7ac275ca46a0a3ca2585a(-) (slot #3) 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : New Connection (slot #5) [?]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Player GUID Computed 
657b49d1ebdcdc09cff0937d331e7581(-) (slot #5) 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : New Connection (slot #2) [?]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Player GUID Computed 
fd058658fb2eff24fdfbe0e58ce8e8ff(-) (slot #2) 
Rcon from
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : New Connection (slot #1) [?]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Player GUID Computed 
8cee74b00b9940fe401b0262c6860040(-) (slot #1) 
^9[BBF]BlueBatRay.^7: none
Rcon from
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #2) pb_sv_bindsrch 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : 7 Bind Queries Sent
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #3 585a(-) ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #1 0040(-) ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #7 7b79(-) ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #4 9f24(-) ^2{TRv} G^9^9aztan^2x] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #8 5d96(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]^4B^5lueBa^4tR^5ay.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #2 e8ff(-) ^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #5 7581(-) ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy] [0 key binding 
matches found]
Rcon from
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!
WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!

******* script runtime error *******
cannot cast undefined to bool: (file 'maps\mp\gametypes\tdm.gsc', line 820)
    setTeamScore(self.pers["team"], teamscore);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 65)
  [[level.callbackPlayerKilled]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 63)
CodeCallback_PlayerKilled(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, 
sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc)

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 56)
  [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 54)
CodeCallback_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc)

WARNING: Server should have crashed here!
WARNING: Look for console commands player might be exploiting!

******* script runtime error *******
pair has unmatching types 'string' and 'string': (file 
'maps\mp\gametypes\tdm.gsc', line 820)
    setTeamScore(self.pers["team"], teamscore);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 65)
  [[level.callbackPlayerKilled]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 63)
CodeCallback_PlayerKilled(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, 
sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc)

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 56)
  [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc);

called from:
(file 'maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc', line 54)
CodeCallback_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, 
sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc)

^8(GAME_DEAD){TRv}sccrkid^7: gg
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #5 7581(-) ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy] 
"cg_hudStanceHintPrints" "cg_objectiveText" "cg_shock_screenBlendFadeTime" 
"cg_shock_sound" "cg_shock_soundFadeInTime" "cg_shock_soundLoopEndDelay" 
"cg_shock_soundLoopFadeTime" "cg_shock_soundModEndDelay" 
"cg_shock_soundWetLevel" "cg_shock_volume_announcer" 
"cg_shock_volume_local" "cg_shock_volume_music" "cg_shock_volume_voice" 
"cg_weaponSelect" "cl_currentServerAddress" "cl_guid" "cl_ingame" 
"cl_languagesavailable" "cl_punkbuster" "cl_run" "cl_running" 
"com_expectedhunkusage" "com_introplayed" "com_recommendedSet" "fs_game" 
"g_gametype" "g_ScoresBanner_Allies" "g_scriptMainMenu" 
"g_TeamColor_Allies" "g_TeamName_Allies" "mss_volume" "name" "password" 
"r_ext_draw_range_elements" "r_lastValidRenderer" "r_mem_agp" 
"r_mem_backend" "r_mem_video" "r_mode" "r_nv_fog_available" "r_nv_fog_dist" 
"r_picmip" "r_sunblind_max_darken" "r_sunflare_max_alpha" 
"r_sunflare_max_size" "r_sunflare_min_angle" "r_sunflare_min_size" 
"r_sunflare_shader" "r_sunglare_max_lighten" "r_sunsprite_shader" [93 
changed cvars found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #3) pb_sv_bindsrch 
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : 7 Bind Queries Sent
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #5 7581(-) ^8[^1BBF^8]^1ShaKy] [0 key binding 
matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #3 585a(-) ^2{TRv}^9Bik^2er^9Bo^2yz] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #8 5d96(-) ^1[^9BBF^1]^4B^5lueBa^4tR^5ay.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #4 9f24(-) ^2{TRv} G^9^9aztan^2x] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #1 0040(-) ^2{TRv}^9Sup^2er^9Sp^2y] [0 key 
binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #7 7b79(-) ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.] [0 
key binding matches found]
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : [From #2 e8ff(-) ^2{TRv}^8^9scc^2rk^8^9id] [0 key 
binding matches found]
Client 13 connecting with 0 challenge ping from
       cvar set cg_atmos -1
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Auto Screenshot 000422 Requested from 
7  ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9.
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Auto Screenshot 000423 Requested from 
8  ^1[^9BBF^1]^4B^5lueBa^4tR^5ay.
Rcon from
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Screenshot /home/cod/cod/pb/svss/pb000422.png 
successfully received from 7 ^6^5^1[^9BBF^1]^9.^1Viktor^0^9. 
(MD5=C266B13A31EC978CBDF0735E98625862) []
Sending heartbeat to coduomaster.activision.com
[{TRv} PunkBuster]- : Auto Screenshot 000424 Requested from 4  ^2{TRv} 
Rcon from
Hitch warning: 722 msec frame time
Rcon from

****************************************  [System went to 100% CPU, and 
stopped responding here]

Here is the DIFF between the two servers configured identical, except as noted
the match server vs the TDM server:

diff match/trv.cfg tdm/trv.cfg
< // {TRv}Team-Ravage UO Server - Call Of Duty Config - United Offensive - 
 > // {TRv}Team-Ravage UO Server - Call Of Duty Config - United Offensive - TDM
< set sv_hostname "^2{TRv}^1COD:UO match Server"
< set scr_motd "^1Welcome To ^2{TRv} ^7COD United Offensive ^5Match 
^7Server!                         ^4Stats at www.team-ravage.com/stats"
 > set sv_hostname "^2{TRv}^1COD:UO TDM"
 > set scr_motd "^1Welcome To ^2{TRv} ^7COD United Offensive 
^5Team-Deathmatch ^7Server!               ^4Stats at www.team-ravage.com/stats"
< sets .Status "Match Mode"
< sets .MoDs "None"
 > sets .Status "Recruit if your {TRv} material"
 > sets .MoDs ""
< set sv_keywords "TRv Team-Ravage Match TWL OGL CAL"
 > set sv_keywords "TRv Team-Ravage Team Deathmatch"
< set net_ip
 > set net_ip
< set g_password "uomatch"
 > set g_password ""
< set scr_friendlyfire "1"
 > set scr_friendlyfire "0"
< set scr_teambalance "0"
 > set scr_teambalance "1"
< set g_allowVote "0"
 > set g_allowVote "1"
< set g_allowvotekick "0"
< set g_allowvoteclientkick "0"
< set g_allowvotegametype "0"
< set g_allowvotetypemap "0"
< set g_allowvotemap "0"
 > set g_allowvotekick "1"
 > set g_allowvoteclientkick "1"
 > set g_allowvotegametype "1"
 > set g_allowvotetypemap "1"
 > set g_allowvotemap "1"
< // Limit Tanks
< //set scr_allow_t34_limit "0"
< //set scr_allow_panzeriv_limit "0"
< //set scr_allow_sherman_limit "0"
< //set scr_allow_su152_limit "0"
< //set scr_allow_elefant_limit "0"
< //set scr_allow_t34_limit_mp_kursk "0"
< //set scr_allow_panzeriv_limit_mp_kursk "0"
< //set scr_allow_t34_limit_mp_kharkov "0"
< //set scr_allow_panzeriv_limit_mp_kharkov "0"
< set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_kursk gametype tdm map mp_berlin "
 > set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_arnhem gametype tdm map 
mp_berlin gametype tdm map mp_cassino gametype tdm map mp_foy gametype tdm 
map mp_italy gametype tdm map mp_kharkov gametype tdm map mp_kursk gametype 
tdm map mp_ponyri gametype tdm map mp_rhinevalley gametype tdm map 
mp_sicily gametype tdm map mp_uo_stanjel "

At 10:44 AM 1/7/2005, Ploppy wrote:

>Does anyone know if there is an option that if a CoD (UO) server crashes, 
>that it is shutdown? So in other words, the server reports that it crashed 
>in the serverlog, says it shutdown, but it doesnt quit, instead of that it 
>takes 100% CPU :s. CoD and UO do that here, so an misconfiguration of a 
>gameserver, has big consequenses atm :S
>Regards Plop

Any Help would be greatly welcomed!


Mark J. DeFilippis, Ph. D EE          defilm at acm.org
                                       defilm at ieee.org

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