[cod] Come on guys release a fix for the CPU usage

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Sat Oct 16 23:48:42 EDT 2004

> Please.... its a game code issue, not an admin issue. Can we just
> agree on this once and for all so I dont have to see any more of
> these 'dude, I run a 110 man server with 8% cpu usage with No prob'
> emails?


Look everyone, the quickest CPU fix is to turn off vehicles. It has
_NOTHING_ to do with your distro. It has everything to do with when
vehicles are moving. Since it has to do with traces through the map,
you'll get better CPU performance on smaller maps when using vehicles,
but probably not enough to make a significant difference.

I know that's not the best news, since we all know that games in 2004
are only cool when you add a jeep, but for now, it's makes the most
financial sense if your business is stacking game instances onto a

However, I'll ping GMI and see what the plan is and report back. They
are _definitely_ aware of the issue though, guys. It's not Linux


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