[cod] server probs after patch

john Sherrit john at sherrit.net
Thu Mar 25 20:48:55 EST 2004

UPDATE Simple problem when I thought about it.


I changed the runcod.sh file to


cd /home/moh/cod/


./cod_lnxded +set sv_maxclients 20 +set sv_hostname "K1 temp" +map
mp_carentan +set net_ip +set net_port 28960 >> temp.log 2>&1


when I read the output of the temp log it said that it couldn't run
cod_lnxded because of permissions.


Checked the cod_lnxded and sure enough it wasn't set to exe so I did CHMOD
to correct it and hey presto server now running :D





-----Original Message-----
From: john Sherrit [mailto:john at sherrit.net] 
Sent: 26 March 2004 02:15
To: cod at icculus.org
Subject: [cod] server probs after patch


I only have ftp access to my server and everything is run via  a cron job


I updated from 1.2 so added the language packs the new pak9.pk3 and the
cod_lnxded and .so files to the correct directories


My cron job is set to run every 5 mins it tries to restart the server but it
won't start



Here's my runcod.sh file 


cd /home/moh/cod/


./cod_lnxded +set sv_maxclients 20 +set sv_hostname "K1 temp" +map
mp_carentan +set net_ip +set net_port 28960 +exec
cod_server.cfg > /dev/null 2>&1 &


anyone see why this wouldn't work after patching to 1.3?


Appreciate any and all suggestions.


Many thanks,




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