[bf1942] Using sqlite with BF2 in Windows

Andreas Fredriksson deplinenoise at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 07:18:16 EDT 2006

On 4/10/06, "Einar S. Idsø" <esi at itk.ntnu.no> wrote:
> The OS lib is just as crippled in Lin as it is in Win, isn't it? I don't
> see how importing sqlite would be affected by the os lib; could you
> elaborate?

I think the import hooks were changed on win32 so that DLLs are never
loaded. I don't remember the exact reason but most likely it was to
avoid backdoors (e.g. DLLInit) that would install and tamper with BF's
code without alarming PunkBuster on the client side.

I believe the change in question is entirely in the win32 import
implementation (the DLL resolver). Almost all extensions are
statically linked to the shipped DLL rather than kept outside in
separate DLLs.

Hope this helps to clarify the situation,

// Andreas

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

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