beta5 release of BF2Status - PHP Server Monitor for BF2demo++

Brigham Stevens brs at
Fri Jun 17 14:21:54 EDT 2005

Beta5 has been released, it has many changes:

- Layout totally changed to be narrower, this should make fitting into a
Nuke site easier.
- minimap preview pic is now 128x128 instead of 256x256
- Server Rules formatted better and fit into page
- Server Rules popup using overLib if you click the "Server Settings" title.
- Improved Server Down / Error detection
- Improved layout of error page
- color banding to make reading the tables easier

You can see it in action here:

I just noticed the title does not do anything when you hover over it....
I still plan on supporting nuke some how, I would like to create a
unified one that runs everywhere. Also, when there are stat databases
available I will link the player names to a stat DB query! But I think
we have a while until local stat DBS are available.

Let me know if you have any questions or problems, and it would be great
to see it integrated into your site!

And get the distribution for your site here:


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