bf1942 1.61 + dc 0.8 + BBO 4hr2 crashing

GDN_BF1942_Admin bf1942 at
Fri Jan 28 00:29:12 EST 2005

We are seeing a problem were the server dies every few days.  In the 
bfsmd.log we get this:

2005-01-27 17:24:54 : DEBUG: Caught SIGCHLD!
2005-01-27 17:24:57 : Server terminated with exit code 11.
2005-01-27 17:24:57 : Connection reset
2005-01-27 17:24:57 : Disconnected
2005-01-27 17:24:57 : Server has crashed
2005-01-27 17:24:57 : Couldn't send message quit to console! Not 
2005-01-27 17:24:57 : Disconnected
2005-01-27 17:24:57 : Server stopped
2005-01-27 17:24:57 : Auto-restart is disabled, server will not be 

Logging is enabled and the above was with -debug on bfsmd.  But the xml 
logging does not show any console logs.  The bflog_local.log never shows 
more than the startup msg.

So two things:

1) How do you capture good CONSOLE logs to a file to see what the server 
complained about when it crashed?

2) Does anyone know what could be causing this to happen or take a stab?


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