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Cloud Gaming - Thoughts

It's something I've honestly shunned for a while, it's one of those things you
see coming and you're really, really afraid of it.
You don't want it to happen, frankly.

However, for some (definitely not all) it makes sense.
There's been for almost a decade game developers/publishers who really don't
want you to mod your games. The devs want you to ~experience~ them.
The Battlefield series for example went into the direction of where no one
wanted you to mod that game. I don't believe Ubisoft wants you to mod their
games either. Those games do not attract many modders anyway.
They are very linear, very streamlined - their purpose is to solely deploy
a narrative experience.

What if I wanted to experience a game, similar to how I enjoy a movie on a
platform like Netflix? (Disclaimer: I don't use Netflix, but have been a guest
long enough through other people)

Like Assassins Creed Oddyssey. A game that doesn't really benefit from modding,
like at all (I'd like to be proven wrong) is something I might want to play,
or at least try. There's however a few reasons against me trying:

1) I'm on Linux
2) I don't have a console
3) I don't have much disk-space to spend on a 100 GB game

Then streaming could work around all those issues.
I get to experience a game I otherwise could not get to play and wouldn't mod

However, I myself will always push and strive to play DRM-free games that work
in some shape or form on my platform of choice.

But if there's a way for us niche users to experience games we otherwise would
not experience when streaming, that's cool too.

Btw, I had a little bit too much to drink. So I hope my grammar is correct.
Happy new year everybody.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2019-01-09 16:43:24
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