Finger info for

This is my current worklog.
Updated daily and archived by the weekend.
Currently mostly working on Nuclide and connected games.

* = Completed
+ = Completed at later date than specified
- = Cut/discarded at a later date
~ = Ongoing

= 2024-07-17 ===================================
~ strip out more old APIs
* add weapnext and weapprev cmds, decouple some code from FHL
* NSEntity: add SetOriginUnstick(), SetBotTag()
put HUD into NSView callback class for 2D elements?

= 2024-07-16 ===================================
* object oriented weapon selection class for HL
~ strip out more old APIs

= 2024-07-15 ===================================

Dentist appointment. Took day off.
On anti-biotics for 7 days.

When this .plan was written: 2024-07-17 17:55:09
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
Powered by IcculusFinger v2.1.27
Stick it in the camel and go.