These are the values for the menu `ownerdraw' or item `ownerdraw' field. This set of values are used in the ui menu, aka "main menu" or "ESC menu".
Player's handicap, as text.
Player's effect (rail trail color), as slider.
Player's chosen Q3A character model (full model, as in the setup menu), as 3D model.
Player's clan name, as text.
Player's clanlogo, as image/shader.
The gametype, as text.
The map preview (that little screenshot), as image.
The bot skill level, as text. (Single-player mode only?)
The blue team name, as text.
The red team name, as text.
Blue team leader - for use in bots setup for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Blue team member 2 - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Blue team member 3 - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Blue team member 4 - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Blue team member 5 - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Red team leader - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Red team member 2 - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Red team member 3 - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Red team member 4 - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Red team member 5 - for use in bots setups for server/network/local multiplayer game, as text.
Source of servers list: Local, Internet, MPlayer, Favorites, etc., as text.
The map preview (the little screenshot) on selected server, as image.
The name as text of the game-type filter on servers listing, as text.
Tier level, as text. Presumably only in single-player mode.
The opponent's model, as 3D model.
SweetnutZ explains: Some people (pro players) like to specify the model they play against, as they feel certain models are easier to see, hit, etc.
Not used.
Not used.
Not used.
Player's clan graphic, as image.
Opponent's clan graphic, as image.
Players's metal-theme clan logo, as image.
Opponent's metal-theme clan logo, as image.
Player's clan name graphic, as image.
Opponent's clan name graphic, as image.
The name of the current map in the current tier, as text.
The game type of the current map in the current tier, as text.
The name of the current net map, as text.
The contents of cvar "ui_opponentName", as text.
Not used.
Programmer's (mod) note: Not implemented? The kick-vote menu.
The name of the currently selected bot, as text.
The skill level of the currently selected bot, as text.
"Red" or "Blue" depending on which team the player is on, as text.
The crosshair, as image. Set `forecolor' to something noticeable to keep this from being invisible.
See also: `itemDef::forecolor',
Selected player name, as text. If you are the team leader draw, the contents of cvar "cg_selectedPlayerName". Otherwise, the contents of the cvar "name".
Map preview (single-player), as cinematic. Map selection is stored in cvar ``ui_currentMap'' and used as an integer index into the list of available single-player maps ( FEEDER_MAPS) (starting with 0); other parts of the ui modify the cvar accordingly. For a given map named ``mapname'', attempts to use the first matching file name in the sequence of:
Mod programmers can change the sequence and extensions used.
The gametype on a network game, as text.
Preview of a map in a networked game, as cinematic. Map selection is stored in ``ui_currentNetMap'' and used as an integer index into the list of all available maps ( FEEDER_ALLMAPS). Acts just like UI_MAPCINEMATIC, except for the cvar and feeder sources used. (XXX: only applicable for starting server?)
Date of last servers listings update, as text.
Server MOTD ("Message Of The Day", which has historically devolved into actually meaning "a message you see when you connect/login"), as text.
Information about the active OpenGL rendering system, as multi-line text..
Message dependign on current status of binding a key, as text.
The RoQ movie where its name matches that of the player's team logo name (the cinematic version of the team logo), as cinematic.
The time to beat for this map in minutes and seconds, as text.
The game type of the selected game (network/multiplayer server), as text.
Play a cinematic. Cinematic to play is started with the console command "cinematic MOVIE.roq" or the uiScript command "playMovie n", where 'n' is an integer index into the list of all available movie files ( FEEDER_CINEMATICS).
The RoQ movie where its name matches that of the currently selected map (cinematic version of map preview), as cinematic.
The name of the current map, as text.