Replacement voting system for Q3A, filtering system to limit the types of votes that may be called.
First, the actual vote system is replaced, using a vote-registration and ballot system. Players qualified to vote upon callvote initiation are registered to vote, and given a ballot. The ballots can be weighted, allowing referees or deputy admins greater sway.
Second, a callvote-filter allows the server admin to constrain the kinds of votes that may be called. For example, only allowing a callvote on fraglimit if the requested value is between 20 and 100 (disallowing a callvote on a fraglimit of 100000000). The filter works on a first-match basis; the filter searches its list of rules until a match is made. Should no rules match, the callvote is denied (Deny-By-Default policy). An admin may also specify explicit deny rules in the list of rules.
A series of console commands configures the vote filter:
For convenience, these commands can be stored in a Q3 .cfg file and executed as needed.
Requires a malloc implementation.
Called votes, if passed, are executed verbatim.
There is no rewrite rule.
Rewriting would be useful for creating alias or macro commands,
for example,
a gamemode
vote to change g_gametype and immediately put it into effect,
or a kickban
vote to kick and ban a player.
The current revision does not have any mechanism for assigning weights, other than 1, to players.
Unaltered, spectators may call votes, but cannot actually vote. Spectating+recording is a frequent tool for tracking down or determining cheaters. Though, under the baseq3 vote system, a spectator may join the game and call a vote, then return to spec, this breaks the flow of the recorded demo. If the vote passes, the break in spectating is a moot point; but should the vote fail, there is a period in the recording when the suspect is not watched.
The voting system uses a registration system. All players qualified to vote at the time of a callvote are recorded, by clientid numbers. This means a player may still vote if he/she/it goes spectator or switches team. This also means should a spectator at the time of the callvote join the game shortly afterwards, the ex-spectator cannote participate in the current vote (was spectator at callvote (registration) time). In the extreme case, should a vote-registered player disconnect and a different player connect on the same clientid, the new player is qualified to vote. This last behavior should probably change.
Sample/default filter configuration file: voterule.cfg