Welcome to Qreate!

Qreate is a sandbox mod/extension for id software's Quake.
It allows you to spawn pretty much all the entities made
available to use when making a map, but here you can place them
in real-time.

It is aiming to be compatible with every version of Quake. So if you are wondering if this mod runs on GLQuake, X11quake, WinQuake or PowerVRQuake then the answer is yes.

Hint: Qreate requires a full registered version of Quake to run. It's not compatible with the Shareware version or QuakeWorld!

The source-code to it is available freely on this very webpage as well. I hope you can make something of it, since it's been a long journey since its first release! It's source is released under the GNU GPL Version 2.


2009 - Started development of "Quake Sandbox" on a TravelMate 210
2011 - Recovered it on a floppy disk that I used on an old IBM DOS PC
2011 - Initial release on forums.oldtimes-software.com
2012 - Public release of CMOD Alpha 0.1 ( 5/4/12 )
2012 - Public release of CMOD Alpha 0.3 ( 6/4/12 )
2012 - Public release of Qreate Alpha 0.4 ( 7/4/12 )
2012 - Public release of Qreate Alpha 0.41 ( 8/4/12 )
2012 - Public release of Qreate Alpha 0.5 ( 21/4/12 )
2012 - Public release of Qreate Alpha 0.6 ( 8/11/12 )
2014 - Public release of Qreate Alpha 0.7 ( 10/3/14 )
2014 - Public release of Qreate Alpha 0.8 ( 29/7/14 )
2014 - Public release of Qreate Alpha 0.9 ( 25/12/14 )
2021 - Public release of Qreate 1.0 ( 29/07/21 )

Quake is Copyright © 1996-1997 id Software, Inc