Basically, we are uber-l33t, we wrote our first Unix in 1762,
over 200 years before the invention of Unix. Unfortunately, there were no computers back
then, so we delayed our first release for a couple of hundred years. We had a cooperation
with IBM (International Bicycle Manufacturers) back then and guess what, those bastards
used our fine SCO code for their new product 'Advanced bIcycle X' (AIX). That incident
started one of the worst wars in human history, our war for the protection of our
intellectual property.
What we do.
We basically sit on our asses the whole day. And because this
does not generate any reasonable amount of money and we are lazy bastards, we came up
with a pretty good business plan, it's our easy three-step program to success:
Step 1: Sue IBM. Step 2: ???? Step 3: Profit
Now we are back to sitting on our asses and hope that our plan will start to bring us
money before we starve to death.
Created by Boris Buegling.
100 % handcoded HTML.
Created with ViM.