[ut2004] [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice]

Dean Hamstead dean at bong.com.au
Thu Apr 6 02:39:41 EDT 2006

yes i know

lets hope they keep changing things for the better


Aaron Gyes wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 15:49 +1000, Dean Hamstead wrote:
>> lol
>> no
>> but all the bug fixes in the forums are always because 'something has 
>> changed in the kernel' or there is 'a bug in xyz api'
>> making the kernel developers look bad and nvidia look high and
>> mighty.
> They are API changes. The diffs are available for you to look at, names,
> functions, and interfaces disappear, change all the time. It doesn't
> make nvidia look high and mighty at all, they brought it on themselves
> by attempting to track linux kernel development with a closed source
> driver.
> Aaron Gyes

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